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Huihuang Jia is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London, where he also serves as a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTA). In this role, he contributes to modules such as Subtitling, Translating for Voiceover and Dubbing, Audio Description, and Translation Technologies. Outside of his PGTA duties, he leads language-specific sessions on subtitling from English into Chinese (as part of the Subtitling module) and supervises MA/MSc dissertations at CenTraS. Additionally, Huihuang is a Consultant at CenTraS and UCL Consultants Ltd, where he has convened and taught the Translating for Voiceover and Dubbing module for a postgraduate summer course. Previously, he worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Roehampton, convening and teaching the postgraduate Translation Tools module. His research interests lie in the field of audiovisual translation, and he is involved in international research projects that focus on this area. Since 2022, he has been an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. His publications have appeared in Babel, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Perspectives, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, and LANS-TTS. His review work includes contributions to journals such as The Translator and International Journal of Communication.
贾辉煌,字孔耀,法号持煌,伦敦大学学院博士候选人、人文艺术与社会科学学部博士研究生代表 (首位非白人学部代表)、助教(字幕翻译、译配解说与配音翻译、口述影像、翻译技术)、独立承担字幕翻译英译汉研究生课程教学、硕士生导师、暑期学校课程顾问(译配解说与配音翻译研究生课程负责人),华中农业大学校外导师(独立承担字幕翻译英译汉本科生课程教学),英国高等教育学会副会士,曾任英国罗汉普顿大学客座讲师(翻译技术研究生课程负责人),曾在美国杜克大学,北京大学等科研机构交流访学,主要研究方向为视听翻译(影视翻译)、基于眼动追踪实验的字幕翻译接受研究、电影翻译史。参与国家社科基金(重大)项目两项。近年来在国际翻译学核心学术期刊如Babel, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Perspectives, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, LANS-TTS等发表多篇影视翻译研究相关文章。此外,也担任国际翻译学核心学术期刊审稿人,如The Translator, International Journal of Communication等。