Personal information
Kia ora koutou.
I am professor of psychotherapy and currently head of school of the School of Public Health & Psychosocial Studies in the Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences at Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. My professional background is in social work (probation, hospital, community, and psychiatric), counselling and psychotherapy (voluntary sector youth counselling, and private practice), and I now work as an academic. I emigrated to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2009.
I have completed training in gestalt therapy and transactional analysis, in addition to which I have studied person-centred psychology extensively. With my partner, Louise Embleton Tudor, I founded the organisation, Temenos, in Sheffield in the United Kingdom (UK), which was – and still is – committed to person-centred education and training, which we directed for 17 years. We also designed and ran the first postgraduate person-centred psychotherapy & counselling training programme in the UK, which was also validated as a Master’s degree (by Middlesex University). I am a Certified Transactional Analyst and a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (International Transactional Association), an Associate Member of Waka Oranga, and am a registered psychotherapist (with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy).
I am the author/editor of over 300 peer-reviewed publications, including 15 books; the editor of Psychotherapy and Politics International (PPI) (Wiley-Blackwell, UK); and the series editor of “Advancing Theory in Therapy” (Routledge, UK).
The platform on which my research stands is my experience of and practice in these fields over 30 years. For most of that time I have been associated with and have contributed to the practice of and thinking about critical psychotherapy (39 peer-reviewed publications [prps]), and, specifically forms of radical therapy (15 prps), and critical perspectives about politics, culture, and psychotherapy (15 prps). I have contributed to the two theoretical approaches in which I have trained - to transactional analysis (71 prps), and person-centred psychology (58 prps) - and, more broadly, to humanistic psychology (32 publications). I have written about a range of topics within this field, but especially regarding the supervision, education and training of psychotherapists (31 prps). Alongside writing and publishing peer-reviewed publications, predominantly articles, I still write and edit for the discipline and profession of psychotherapy by producing books, contributing chapters to books, and editing two professional journals: one national (Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 2012-2017), the other international (PPI, from 2012). The main focus of my research is psychotherapy, and, within that, developing a critical view of its practice and theory. I continue to contribute to the critique of the place and role of psychotherapy in society, through both my own publications and my editorship of PPI; of the increasing regulation of the profession (in two edited books on the subject and 14 prps); of its monculturalism, on which I have initated five co-authored publications with colleagues who reflect different cultural perspectives; of its conservatism, in response to which I have initated research into the different traditons of radical therapy, which, to date, has resulted in one peer-reviewed publication and the interest of a major international publisher in a series of books on the subject.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (10)
Works (50 of 253)