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Works (4)

Deferral of Non-Emergency Cardiovascular Interventions Triggers Increased Cardiac Emergency Admissions—Analysis of the COVID-19 Related Lockdown

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-12-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Dominik Felbel; Sascha d’Almeida; Manuel Rattka; Stefanie Andreß; Kathrin Reischmann; Benjamin Mayer; Armin Imhof; Dominik Buckert; Wolfgang Rottbauer; Sinisa Markovic et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Erratum to: Outcomes of patients with ST-segment myocardial infarction admitted during the COVID-19 pandemic

2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Rattka; C. Winsauer; L. Stuhler; K. Thiessen; M. Baumhardt; T. Stephan; W. Rottbauer; A. Imhof
Source: check_circle

Outcomes of patients with ST-segment myocardial infarction admitted during the COVID-19 pandemic

2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Rattka; C. Winsauer; L. Stuhler; K. Thiessen; M. Baumhardt; T. Stephan; W. Rottbauer; A. Imhof
Source: check_circle

31 days of COVID-19—cardiac events during restriction of public life—a comparative study

Clinical Research in Cardiology
2020-12-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Manuel Rattka; Michael Baumhardt; Jens Dreyhaupt; Dietrich Rothenbacher; Kevin Thiessen; Sinisa Markovic; Wolfgang Rottbauer; Armin Imhof
Source: check_circle

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Cardiovascular drugs and therapy. (1)
Review activity for Intensivmedizin + Notfallmedizin. (1)