Personal information

Medical education, Anatomical Sciences
India, Cayman Islands


Employment (5)

St Matthew's Univeristy School of Medicine: Grand Cayman, KY

2023-09-04 to present | Professor (Anatomical Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

St James School of Medicine: Anguilla, AI

2019-06-24 to 2023-04-11 | Professor (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Christian Medical College, Vellore: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IN

2002-08-05 to 2019-06-23 | Professor of Anatomy (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Christian Medical College, Vellore: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IN

1996-03-21 to 2005-08-04 | Associate Professor (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Christian Medical College, Vellore: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IN

1991-04-23 to 1996-03-20 | Assistisnt Professor (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Education and qualifications (2)

Christian Medical College, Vellore: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IN

1987-03 to 1990-03 | MS (Anatomy) (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Christian Medical College, Vellore: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IN

1977-07 to 1982-09 | MBBS (Anatomy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Works (22)

Localizing motor entry points of adductor muscles of thigh for motor point procedures in the treatment of adductor spasticity

Anatomy & Cell Biology
2024-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Anju Mary Albert; Henry Prakash Magimairaj; Jeyaseelan Lakshmanan; Sunil Jonathan Holla; Ivan James Prithishkumar
Source: check_circle

Meet the Lacrimal Sac: Endoscopic Surgeons’ Road Map

Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
2021-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2231-3796
Part of ISSN: 0973-7707
Contributors: Amit; Mary Kurien; Aparna Irodi; Ajoy M. Varghese; Sunil J. Holla; Regi Thomas
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Structured, functional histology practical modules: An answer to medical students’ histology nightmare and the way forward for relevant histology instruction in the Indian undergraduate medical curriculum?

The National Medical Journal of India
2020 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0970-258X
Contributors: TriptiMeriel Jacob; Visalakshi Jeyaseelan; SunilJonathan Holla; IvanJames Prithishkumar; Bina Isaac; Suganthy Rabi
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Anatomical Localization of Motor Entry Points of Hamstring Muscles - For Neurolysis In Hamstring Spasticity

Albert AM. Holla SJ, Prakash H. Prithishkumar IJ Anatomical Localization of Motor Entry Points of Hamstring Muscles - For Neurolysis In Hamstring Spasticity. Int J Anat Res 2019, Vol 7(4.3):7176-82
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Albert AM. Holla SJ, Prakash H. Prithishkumar IJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Blended Learning Program in Human Anatomy for Undergraduate Medical Students

Priyanka Daniel, Mythraeyee Prasad, Jenny Jacob, Suganthy Rabi, Sunil Jonathan Holla, Anand Zachariah. Blended Learning Program in Human Anatomy for Undergraduate Medical Students. P2- E25 Published Abstract. Journal of Anatomy. April 2020; 230-231 (s1): 1-364. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 19th International Federations of Associations of Anatomists Congress 9th to 11th August 2019, London, UK
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Priyanka Daniel, Mythraeyee Prasad, Jenny Jacob, Suganthy Rabi, Sunil Jonathan Holla, A Zachariah
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Early clinical exposure as a teaching learning tool to teach neuroanatomy for first year occupational and physical therapy students – Our Preliminary Experience

Pritishmumar IJ, Holla SJ (2012) Early clinical exposure as a teaching learning tool to teach neuroanatomy for first year occupational and physical therapy students – Our Preliminary Experience. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy 6(2):69-73
2012 | Journal article
Part of EID:

ISSN: 0973-5674

Contributors: Pritishmumar IJ, Holla SJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Kumar SP, Selvaraj KG, Rabi S, Holla SJ (2010) Estimation of length of ulna from the bony markers of proximal end in south Indian population. European Journal of Anatomy 14:67-73

European Journal of Anatomy
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Kumar SP, Selvaraj KG, Rabi S, Holla SJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Anatomy education in a changing medical curriculum in India: Medical student feedback on duration and emphasis of gross anatomy teaching

Anatomical Sciences Education
2009-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1935-9772
Part of ISSN: 1935-9780
Contributors: Sunil Jonathan Holla; Kalpana Ramachandran; Bina Isaac; Shajan Koshy
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Gross anatomical and histological changes in unilateral chronic granular contracted kidney

Ramachandran K, Holla SJ (2008) Gross anatomical and histological changes in unilateral chronic granular contracted kidney. A case report. Anatomical Adjuncts 5(2): 45 - 48
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Ramachandran K, Holla SJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

An accessory digastric abductor pollicis longus muscle: Report of a case

Rabi S, Indrasingh I, Koshy S, Holla SJ, Vettivel S (2006) An accessory digastric abductor pollicis longus muscle: Report of a case. Eur J Anat 10 (2): 79-81
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Rabi S, Indrasingh I, Koshy S, Holla SJ, Vettivel S
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Multiple variations involving all the terminal branches of the brachial plexus and the axillary artery – a case report

Ramachandran K, Kanakasabapathy I, Holla SJ (2006) Multiple variations involving all the terminal branches of the brachial plexus and the axillary artery – a case report. Eur J Anat. 10 (3):61-66
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Ramachandran K, Kanakasabapathy I, Holla S
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Anatomical variations of the cutaneous innervation patterns of the sural nerve on the dorsum of the foot

Clinical Anatomy
2005-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: C. Madhavi; B. Isaac; B. Antoniswamy; Sunil J. Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Triplication of the lesser occipital nerve

Clinical Anatomy
2004-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: C. Madhavi; S.J. Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Anomalous flexor digiti minimi brevis in Guyon's canal

Clinical Anatomy
2003-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: C. Madhavi; S. J. Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Dual sensory innervation of the dorsum of the thumb

Clinical Anatomy
2003-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: C. Madhavi; S. J. Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Variation in shape of the Coronoid Process in The Adult Human Mandible

Isaac B, Holla SJ (2001) Variation in shape of the Coronoid Process in The Adult Human Mandible. Journal of Anatomical Society of India. 50:137-139
2001 | Journal article
Contributors: Isaac B, Holla SJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Experience of anatomy demonstrators in Tamil Nadu, India

Clinical Anatomy
2001-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: Rachel Koshi; Sunil J. Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Significance of the role of self-study and group discussion

Clinical Anatomy
1999 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: Sunil J. Holla; K.G. Selvaraj; B. Isaac; G. Chandi
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

The Marginal Artery of Drummond – Collateral Mesenteric Circulation – A Case Study

Koshi T, Koshi R, Holla SJ and Gopalakrishnan G (1998) The Marginal Artery of Drummond – Collateral Mesenteric Circulation – A Case Study. Journal of Anatomical Society of India 47:10-13.
1998 | Journal article
Contributors: Koshi T, Koshi R, Holla SJ and Gopalakrishnan G
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Introduction to histology through the use of familiar objects: Innovative teaching module

Clinical Anatomy
1997 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0897-3806
Part of ISSN: 1098-2353
Contributors: Rachel Koshi; Sunil J. Holla; Grace Chandi
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

Bony markers at the distal end of the radius for estimating handedness and radial length

Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger
1996-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0940-9602
Contributors: Sunil J. Holla; Selvakumar Vettivel; G. Chandi
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla

The Suspensory Muscle of the Duodenum in Human Foetuses

Holla SJ (1994) The Suspensory Muscle of the Duodenum in Human Foetuses. Journal of Anatomical Society of India 43:111-118
1994 | Journal article
Contributors: Sunil Holla
Source: Self-asserted source
Sunil Holla