Personal information
Research Emphasis
Major areas of focus in my research program involve all aspects of forest ecology; restoration, rehabilitation and reforestation of degraded ecosystems (especially open cast coal mines); determining ecosystem structure and negative effects of climate change, pollutants (radionuclides) and forest fires; examining factors that explain patterns of ecosystem recovery.
Ph.D. 2003. Soil Science, Ege University (Turkey). Primary Concentration: Mining Site Rehabilitation and/or Restoration, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Environmental Degradation. Thesis Title: A Study on Soil Fertility Measurement for Reforestation of Coal Mined Lands in the Aegean Region, Turkey.
M.Sc. 1986. Silviculture, Istanbul University (Turkey). Primary concentrations: Afforestation, Silviculture, Vegetation and Woodland Dynamics, Restoration of Degraded Forests, Tree Genetics and Breeding. Thesis Title: Determination of Some Qualitative and Quantitative Differences between Some Provenances in Spruce (Picea orientalis) Provenance Experiment in Belgrad Forest.
B.Sc. 1984. General Forestry, Istanbul University (Turkey). Primary concentrations: Forest Resource Management, Silviculture, Afforestation and Forest Nurseries, Forest Products, Forest Ecology, Watershed Management, Forest Protection (Patology, Entomology, Fire Control). Thesis title: Hydrological Studies and Rainfall Analysis in Belgrad Forest, Ortadere Watershed in Istanbul.
Short Courses
International Seminar on Combating Desertification: Afforestation in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones. 31 October-16 November 2010. MASHAV. Netanya, Israel. (Full Scholarship)
Adaptive Management of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change. 10-15 May 2010. CIHEAM, IAMZ: Zaragoza, Spain. (Full Scholarship)
Management of Solid Waste Disposal Systems. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Istanbul Environment Protection and Waste Material Evaluation Company. 09–11 May 2005. Istanbul.
Land Restoration to Combat Desertification: Innovative Approaches, Quality Control and Project Evaluation. 19–25 September 2005. CIHEAM, IAMZ: Zaragoza, Spain. (Full Scholarship)
Restoration of Brown Coal Mining Areas. SER EUROPE Summer Course at the University of Ceske Budejovice 19 – 24 September 2004. Sokolov. Czech Republic.
Ecological Engineering Applied to Environmental Restoration in Mediterranean Areas. 07-18 June 2004, CIHEAM, IAMZ: Zaragoza, Spain. (Full Scholarship)
Soil Water-Plant Relationships. 6–9 October 2003. Ege University. Izmir, Turkey
Statistics in the Forest Research Activities. 01–10 March 2000. Ministry of Forest. Antalya. Turkey.
Geographic Information Systems (PC ARC/INFO). 30 March–2 April 1998. ESRI and ISLEM GIS Ltd. Ankara. Turkey.
Geographic information Systems (ARCVIEW) – Basic Level: 16- 20 March 1998. Advanced Level: 14-17 April 1998. ESRI and ISLEM GIS Ltd. Ankara. Turkey.
Environment and Ecology Summer School. 30 September – 13 October 1989. Ege University. Bornova, Izmir, Turkey.
Employment Experience
2016-2020 / Head of Dept. / Ministry of Environment and Forest, Poplar and Fast Growing Forest Research Institute, Soil Science and Ecology Dept. (Kocaeli)
2016-2014/ Forest Research Specialist / Ministry of Environment and Forest, Southeast Anatolia Forest Research Institute, Soil Science and Ecology Dept. (Elazig)
2014-1988 / Forest Research Specialist / Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ege Forest Research Institute, Soil Science and Ecology Dept. (Izmir)
1988-1986 / Chief Forest Engineer / K.maras State Forest Enterprise (K.maras)
1986-1984 / Forest Engineer / Istanbul State Forest Enterprise (Istanbul)
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (1)
Works (21)