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Education and qualifications (1)

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, US

2022-08 to 2026-05 | Bachelors of Science (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janavi Gupta

Works (4)

Towards an LLM-Based Speech Interface for Robot-Assisted Feeding

2024-10-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jessie Yuan; Janavi Gupta; Akhil Padmanabha; Zulekha Karachiwalla; Carmel Majidi; Henny Admoni; Zackory Erickson
Source: check_circle

VoicePilot: Harnessing LLMs as Speech Interfaces for Physically Assistive Robots

2024-10-13 | Conference paper
Contributors: Akhil Padmanabha; Jessie Yuan; Janavi Gupta; Zulekha Karachiwalla; Carmel Majidi; Henny Admoni; Zackory Erickson
Source: check_circle

Independence in the Home: A Wearable Interface for a Person with Quadriplegia to Teleoperate a Mobile Manipulator

2024-03-11 | Conference paper
Contributors: Akhil Padmanabha; Janavi Gupta; Chen Chen; Jehan Yang; Vy Nguyen; Douglas J Weber; Carmel Majidi; Zackory Erickson
Source: check_circle

Novel Approach to Detect Anaemia Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning

International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
2021-08 | Journal issue or edition | Software
Contributors: Mohan Kshirsagar; Reetu Jain; Janavi Gupta; Shekhar Jain
Source: Self-asserted source
Janavi Gupta