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Dr. Dominik Farka was recently awarded the IOCB fellowship and since then hold an independent position within the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Within the institution, he is assigned to Ivo Starý's group of Functional Molecules where his focus lies with self-assembly of organic molecules on surfaces. This includes syntheses based on oxidative chemical vapour deposition (oCVD) and surface probe microscopy, mainly scanning tunnelling microscopy.
Dr. Farka studies Biological Chemistry at the University of South Bohemia and the Johannes Kepler University-Linz (JKU-Linz, joint degree) and did his PhD with Prof. Serdar Niyazi Sariciftci at the JKU-Linz where he helped to develop a new variant of oCVD.
From 2018-2020 he joined industry where he quickly got promoted to mid-management and discovered his passion to lead young collectives in pursuit of scientific and technological progress. His return to academia is a direct consequence of this realization.