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Works (14)

Early HBcrAg and Anti‐HBc Levels Identify Patients at High Risk for Severe Flares After Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Cessation—A Pooled Analysis of Two Clinical Trials

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Edo J. Dongelmans; Jordan J. Feld; André Boonstra; Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; David Wong; Colina Yim; Mark Claassen; Pieter Honkoop; Bettina E. Hansen; Robert A. de Man et al.
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Socio‐economic factors associated with loss to follow‐up among individuals with HCV: A Dutch nationwide cross‐sectional study

Liver International
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Marleen van Dijk; Anders Boyd; Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Cas J. Isfordink; Rosan A. van Zoest; Mark D. Verhagen; Robert J. de Knegt; Joost P. H. Drenth; Marc van der Valk
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Lower pre-treatment hbv dna levels are associated with better off-treatment outcomes after Nucleo(S)Tide analogue withdrawal in patients with hbeag negative chronic hepatitis B: A multicenter cohort study

JHEP Reports
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Milan J. Sonneveld; Shao-Ming Chiu; Jun Yong Park; Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Apichat Kaewdech; Wai-Kay Seto; Yasuhito Tanaka; Ivana Carey; Margarita Papatheodoridi; Piero Colombatto et al.
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Use of HBV RNA and to predict change in serological status and disease activity in CHB

2023-04-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Marc G. Ghany; Wendy C. King; Amanda S. Hinerman; Anna SF. Lok; Mauricio Lisker-Melman; Raymond T. Chung; Norah Terrault; Harry L.A. Janssen; Mandana Khalili; William M. Lee et al.
Source: check_circle

End-of-treatment HBsAg, HBcrAg and HBV RNA predict the risk of off-treatment ALT flares in chronic hepatitis B patients

Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Robert J. de Knegt; Margo J.H. van Campenhout; Annemiek A. van der Eijk; Willem P. Brouwer; Florian van Bömmel; André Boonstra; Bettina E. Hansen; Thomas Berg; Harry L.A. Janssen et al.
Source: check_circle

Patients treated with rituximab are poorly screened for hepatitis B infection: Data from a low-incidence country

European Journal of Internal Medicine
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M Brakenhoff; Roos Hoekstra; Pieter Honkoop; Robert Roomer; Jan G den Hollander; Geert Bezemer; Robert J de Knegt; Milan J Sonneveld; Robert A de Man
Source: check_circle

Epidemiology and management of hepatitis B and C in primary care in the Netherlands: data from the Rijnmond Primary Care database

Family Practice
2023-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M Brakenhoff; Robert A de Man; Robert J de Knegt; Patrick J E Bindels; Evelien I T de Schepper
Source: check_circle

Time-trends in disease characteristics and comorbidities in patients with chronic hepatitis B in the period 1980–2020

European Journal of Internal Medicine
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D.P.C. van der Spek; W.K. Katwaroe; L.A. van Kleef; S. Brakenhoff; R.A. de Man; R.J. de Knegt; A.J. van der Meer; M.J. Sonneveld
Source: check_circle

Levels of Antibodies to Hepatitis B Core Antigen Are Associated With Liver Inflammation and Response to Peginterferon in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

The Journal of Infectious Diseases
2022-12-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M Brakenhoff; Robert J de Knegt; Jeffrey Oliveira; Annemiek A van der Eijk; Anneke J van Vuuren; Bettina E Hansen; Harry L A Janssen; Robert A de Man; André Boonstra; Milan J Sonneveld
Source: check_circle

Assessment of Adherence to Clinical Guidelines in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B

2022-10-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Warshan K. Katwaroe; Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Daniël P. C. van der Spek; Robert J. de Knegt; Laurens A. van Kleef; Robert A. de Man; Adriaan J. P. van der Meer; Milan J. Sonneveld
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Preferred source (of 2)‎

Probability of HBsAg loss after nucleo(s)tide analogue withdrawal depends on HBV genotype and viral antigen levels

Journal of Hepatology
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: M.J. Sonneveld; S.-M. Chiu; J.Y. Park; S.M. Brakenhoff; A. Kaewdech; W.K. Seto; Y. Tanaka; I. Carey; M. Papatheodoridi; F. van Bömmel et al.
Source: check_circle

Effects of on‐treatment ALT flares on serum HBsAg and HBV RNA in patients with chronic HBV infection

Journal of Viral Hepatitis
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hannah S. J. Choi; Milan J. Sonneveld; Mina S. Farag; Willem P. Brouwer; Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Grishma Hirode; Adam J. Gehring; Rob A. de Man; Bettina E. Hansen; Harry L. A. Janssen
Source: check_circle

Editorial: HBV cure—the quest for biomarkers to predict off‐treatment sustained response. Authors' reply

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Robert A. de Man; Robert J. de Knegt; Harry L. A. Janssen; Milan J. Sonneveld
Source: check_circle

Hepatitis B virus RNA decline without concomitant viral antigen decrease is associated with a low probability of sustained response and hepatitis B surface antigen loss

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2021-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylvia M. Brakenhoff; Robert A. de Man; André Boonstra; Margo J. H. van Campenhout; Robert J. de Knegt; Florian van Bömmel; Annemiek A. van der Eijk; Thomas Berg; Bettina E. Hansen; Harry L. A. Janssen et al.
Source: check_circle