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B.S. (Agric. Chemistry), College of Agriculutre, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1983)
M.S. (Agric. Chemistry), Graduate School of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1981)
Ph.D. (Agriculture) in July, 1993 from Kyoto University for the thesis entitled: "Safety and identification of foodstuffs irradiated with ionizing radiation".

Director of Radiation Research Center, Research, Organization for Research Promotion\
Professor of Department of Quantum and Radiation Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University

Research Fields
Food irradiation,
especially irradiation detection using DNA base damage products as a probe态development of synergistic decontamination methods utilizing gamma-ray, X-ray, EB, UV and atomopheric gas plasmas, combined with conventional heating and antimicrobial agents found in Foods