Personal information
Received a BSc in Electronic Engineering (Southampton University, UK, 1978) and a PhD in electronic engineering (London University, UK, 1990). Thesis concerned accurate measurement of high-speed optoelectronic devices at telecoms wavelengths.
Joined NPL, Teddington, UK in 1978 and retired in July 2022. My initial work was to develop techniques to characterize optoelectronic devices at up to millimeter-wave frequencies (1982-87); accurate wavelength measurement capabilities for optical fiber communications (1992-2003). Euramet IND16 “Ultrafast” (participant) IND51 “MORSE” (Coordinator). Science Area Leader in the Electromagnetic Technologies Group at NPL from 2009 to 2015.
Currently working as a Mercator Fellow on the METERACOM DFG funded programme, a Visiting Industrial Fellow at the University of Bristol and as a Guestworker at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany).
Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the IET (UK); Life Senior Member of IEEE (USA). I was awarded the IEE Ambrose Fleming Premium in 1987 and I have published over 100 journal and conf. papers. Book chapter (Modulation formats) in THz Communications: Paving the Way Towards Wireless Tbps. Co-chair for SPIE 'High-Speed Electronics and Optoelectronics' conference 23-27 March 1992,Tech. Prog. Committees CPEM 2012, 2014 and 2016, 89th ARFTG 2017.
Vice-Chair – IEEE SA 1765-2022 “Recommended Practice for Estimating the Uncertainty In Measurements of Modulated Signals for Wireless Communications… “, 2015 to date. IEC Technical Committees No 86, WG4 (1995-2008) and No. 85. Joined BSI W22 2021.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (12)
Works (39)