Personal information
Doan PHAM MINH received his PhD degree in chemistry at the University Lyon 1, France in 2006. After post-doc experiences at French Institute of Petroleum and IRCELYON (France), in 2009, he has joint IMT Mines Albi as assistant professor, affected at the RAPSODEE research center. He got the associate professor position at IMT Mines Albi where he led a research team composed of 5 permanent staffs and around 15 PhD students and post-doc between 2016 and 2021. He assumed the role of Deputy Director of the RAPSODEE research center (around 100 persons) between 2020 and 2024. In parallel with teaching activities, he focusses his research on the valorisation of biomass, bio-wastes and industrial coproducts into energy carriers, e.g. syngas, hydrogen, biomethane, biofuels etc., and useful materials, e.g. adsorbents, catalysts, and refractory ceramics applied in thermo-conversion processes, catalytic processes and thermal energy storage. He is principal investigator (PI) and co-PI of more than 45 research projects accounting approximately 7 400 k€ from public organisms and industrial partners. He is supervisor and co-supervisor of 27 PhD students, 14 post-doc and 36 internships. He is currently editorial board member of Waste and Biomass Valorization (Springer). He is also co-founder and co-organizer of the Summer School in catalysis which is held every two years since 2019.