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Juergen spent the first 9 years of his professional career as a police officer. This was followed by 3 years as an administrative employee in the procurement department of the University of Oldenburg before he decided to study physics and chemistry in 1992. He graduated in 1992 with a Master of Science in Physical Chemistry. He started his PhD at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and completed it in Theoretical Physics at the University of Potsdam in 1998. Subsequently, he worked in various academic positions, e.g. as a PostDoc at the University of Oldenburg, as a Senior Researcher at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and as a research associate of the German Advisory Council on Global Change. Jürgen is in demand as an expert in national and international policy advisory bodies on climate change and global change issues, and has worked for e.g. the Council of Europe, the GIZ, the European Union and the Climate-KIC. In 2006, he received the Amber Tree Award from the INTERREG office of the European Union for the realization of a visionary project that brought together experts from different disciplines to explore new ways of dealing with climate change and adapting to unavoidable changes. Juergen was a visiting professor at Mahidol University Bangkok/Thailand (2008-2010 2016/2017) and at the Hamburg Media School (2018-2023) and declined an offer of a full professorship at Griffith University, Brisbane/Australia (2010), which was linked to the position of Deputy Director of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility of Australia. Since 2010 he has been Professor of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University of Potsdam/Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Geography. At the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), he heads the "Urban Transformations" working group and is deputy head of the "Climate Resilience" department. At the University of Potsdam he is responsible for the working group "Climate Change & Development". Jürgen is a successful entrepreneur, among other things he founded an innovative media lab and think tank on modern learning and teaching formats – the Climate Media Factory UG and acted as first managing director until 2020. For this he receives the prestigious Green Award in 2012. Since 2020, he is a partner, power of attorney, and scientific advisor to the newly founded Bauhaus der Erde gGmbH. This institution deals with the question of how the built environment can be made climate-resilient and climate-friendly. From 2018-2024 he has also been a member of the Board of Governors of the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu/Nepal (ICIMOD). Since summer 2024 he is an appointed ICIMOD Senior Fellow - Advisor on Climate and Innovations and since December 2024 a Guest Senior Research Scholar at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg/Austria.
Employment (11)
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (6)
Funding (34)
FKZ 3720 15 102 0