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Professor of the "Lviv University of Business and Law" (Doctor of Law, Associate Professor). Attorney. Graduated with honors from the National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise with a degree in Law, Master in Finance from the Kharkiv National University of Economics, Doctorate on specialty "criminal procedure and criminology; forensic examination; operational and investigative activities" from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Post-Doctorate in 2019 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Laws on the topic: "Procedural economy of repressive influence in criminal proceedings". Author more than 87 scientific, educational, and scientific-methodical works on criminal law, criminal procedural law, criminal-executive law, and he is the author of monographs on topical issues of criminal and criminal procedure law. Additionally, he is an acting as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Visnyk of KhNU named after V.N. Karazin" series" Law", Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council K 64.051.30 - with the right to accept for consideration and defend dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Law. Under his leadership, 5 candidates of legal sciences were prepared. He took two foreign scholarships (1. University of Salento, Lecce, Italy; 2. Institution UENP - State University of Northern Paraná) and participated in three prestigious collective international grant like Jean Monnet Project, Tempus, Erasmus+. He also enjoys teaching students and educating younger colleagues. His research proposes a theoretical definition of a new benchmark theory, built on the elements of the release of a person from criminal liability. He is a member of the Ukrainian public organization "Association of Criminal Law". Married, has two daughters born in 2013 and 2019. His wife and he do charity work for the charitable foundation "Help is Me". For many years our organization has helped families who has children with special needs, now with a full-scale Russian invasion our fund helps all categories of Ukrainian citizens to overcome the struggles of war.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (7)