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Some facts about me
My name is Adib Rifqi Setiawan, Adib for brief, ΛRS for briefer mononym. I am not the next anyone and love 2NE1. If you are interested in my work, you can find all my dumbs in Google Scholar or just put “Adib Rifqi Setiawan” or “Alobatnic” in search engine like If you hate me, you can deliver that hatred to, or direct message to my social media accounts: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with username @alobatnic for all accounts.
I was born at 26 March 1994 in a village called Colo, right on the outskirts of Kudus, on the mountain. My rural education at Colo journey twice consisted of one-room class where a single teacher educated, took care of, and supervised students everyday. So I never forget Zaini Sirojan, my teacher at that condition. I lived there until 10 July 2009, when I was fifteen. I went to Madrasah Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyyah (TBS) Kudus for three years, and then I went to Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, in about 13 June 2012.
During the time I was at TBS, I am Muhammad Arifin Fanani’s student whose role is to guide me select Islamic Studies coursework, as well as shaping, refining, and directing me of sub-discipline Fiqih. Perhaps he is the most deeply affecting me. He contributes significantly to the start of the high order thinking skils in academics dicipline—he is the very trained educator to do so. Not least, his lectures and papers influences materially to the rise of my interest on the research.
When I was at UPI majored Physics Education, I loved it. I thought it was a good place have great atmosphere. I was assigned to Setiya Utari, of whom I had not heard but it the best. Setiya Utari was usually around and available to talk that stimulated me to develop my own academic-style. She often advise me to learn what the rest of the world is like and the belief in the ignorance of experts. Her talk and articles affecting my research’s interest in scientific literacy.
I met to Surotul Ilmiyah, who is Public Health Student, in Jombang at 30 November 2012. Since then, she amazing inspiring and motivating my self nor endless shaping my mindset and influencing my journey as well. Ilmy is one of the key I can mastering a few essential concepts that help me to succeed. It means that she is teach me to try or to get something that I need by persuading me that I should do it to succeed as myself.
I have been interested in principles to teaching (natural) science in Indonesia (it's with less economically developed country), for a long time and would like to discuss it based on my limitations. The main limitations is my very evident lack of understanding of (natural) science, a lack which will grow more apparent as we proceed.
In the second place, I don't know anything about (natural science). I am undergraduate from physics education, so I know that I don't know. As a matter of fact, I have experience in teaching students in branches of science (natural sciences, religious sciences, formal sciences, social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary studies). As a result of the experience I know that I don't know how to teach.
“I don’t know what to do without you... uh... uh... uh...” said Rosé then Jisoo in BLΛƆKPIИK's Don’t Know What To Do.