Personal information


Isabella Zironi/Female has a degree in Biological Science and a PhD in Neurophysiology. She has been working since 2006 in the Biophysics Laboratory of the Physics Department (Bologna University) as technical-scientific manager developing a strong propensity to an interdisciplinary approach in the field of bioelectronics and radiobiology. She has been involved in several European project gaining a proven experience and expertise in most of the electrophysiological experimental methods, in the living cells imaging by optical microscopy, and in bioinformatics analysis procedures. At the moment, her major research interest is on studies about the interfacing of biological systems with high-conductive polymeric platforms and the cellular functions involved (eg motility, invasiveness, proliferation and senescence). She is author of 28 peer-reviewed publications, several of them on “high IF” international journals, with 453 citations and H-index = 11
(source: Scopus).


Employment (1)

Università di Bologna: Bologna, Bologna, IT

2020-02-03 to present | Personale tecnico - amministrativo - Cat. D, area tecnica, tecnico scientifica ed elaborazione dati. (Physics and Astronomy - DIFA )
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Zironi

Education and qualifications (2)

Università di Bologna: Bologna, Bologna, IT

2003-04-07 to present | PhD in Neurophysiology (Human and General Physiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Zironi

Università di Bologna: Bologna, Bologna, IT

1994-07-19 to present | Laurea in Biological Science (Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences - BiGeA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Isabella Zironi