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Dr. Delgado-Pando graduated in Food Science and Technology in 2006 by Universidad de Burgos (Spain) obtaining merit with distinction. He also studied the first cycle of Chemistry degree by the same university. He obtained a grant to study a MSc in Food Safety and Biotechnology completed in 2007 with the qualification of excellent. He finished his PhD in 2013 by Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis entitled: “Design and development of meat products with optimised lipid profile. Evaluation of their functional effect in humans” obtaining the highest qualification (Excellent cum laude). Dr. Delgado-Pando has had an ample international career as a researcher. After finishing his PhD, he moved to United Kingdom to Queen’s University Belfast to join a European funded FP7 project called STARTEC as work package deputy for two years. Then he moved to Ireland to work at Teagasc in two projects: PROSSLOW and MTI. In 2020 he moved back to Spain to CSIC-ICTAN to work under a European EIT Food project about consumer attitudes towards meat products and also a CDTI project. Dr Delgado-Pando’s lines of research lie within the field of meat science, sensory analysis, data analysis, design of experiments and food quality analysis. He has worked in meat product reformulation with regards to more nutritious and healthier products: improvement of lipid profile, salt reduction strategies and food shelf-life extension with the use of novel food processing technologies such as high pressure processing, continuous microwave or ultrasound. Dr. Delgado-Pando has taken several courses on statistics and open science, making use of open-source programs such as R or Fiji. He has ample experience in the use of mathematical and statistical methods to design optimal experiments, and to provide maximum relevant information by analysing chemical and sensorial data. At Teagasc, he pioneered the application and use of virtual reality on 3D images using immersion software (arivis 4D vision) and excelled in the use of novel sensory techniques. He also gained experience in meat characterisation technologies as well as imaging technologies, specifically video image analysis and computed tomography of carcasses and meat products. Back at CSIC, working under an EIT Food project, he also added to his line of research consumer and sensory analysis under a sustainability view. He became tenured scientist at the organisation on December 2023 and he formed a research group called DIGISEN. This group was created with the purpose of implementing emerging digital technologies in the field of food research. These technologies will be primarily used as a support tool for sensory and consumer analysis techniques in the development of more sustainable and healthier meat and derivative products, but with the idea of also using them in other areas (such as characterization or safety) and products (not only meat and derivatives). Within these digital technologies are Industry 4.0 technologies such as mixed reality, biometric devices, or complex data analysis (such as multivariate analysis). On 2024, he secured a 4-year Momentum project as PI and is being scintific responsible of the Sensory Unit at ICTAN.
Dr Delgado-Pando has 70 scientific contributions, including 36 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 3 scientific-technical publications, 15 works submitted to conferences, 3 workshops/seminars, 4 chapters in published books, and 9 pieces in outreach magazines. He has an h-index of 22 and a i10-index of 26 (January 2025). He owns a recognition of a six-year research merit evaluation by ANECA. He is main contributor of two invention disclosure forms. He has presented more than 12 works, both orally and via poster sessions, at international and national food related conferences such as the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Food Integrity and Traceability Conference, the European Federation of Food Science and Technology Congress and the World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Dr Delgado-Pando has supervised a graduate dissertation and international research project graduate from AGROSUP (Dijon, France) and has given lectures at the University of West England (Bristol, UK), Queens University Belfast (UK) and The Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland). He has been PhD examiner for Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and participated as evaluator of national projects for the Latvian Council of Science. He is a member of the Spanish Association of Sensory Analysis Professionals
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (43)