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Works (2)

Investigation of the efficacy of different Ni-Ti systems on acrylic blocks for correcting ledge formation

BMC Oral Health
2023-03-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Osman Ünlü; Hüseyin Gürkan Güneç; Faruk Haznedaroğlu
Source: check_circle

Perceived Sources and Levels of Stress Among Turkish Dental Students: A Multi-centre Study

Bezmialem Science
2021-06-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Mustafa DEMİRCİ; Neslihan TEKÇE; Nevin ÇOBANOĞLU; Safa TUNCER; Osman ÜNLÜ; Soner ŞİŞMANOĞLU; Canan BAYDEMİR
Source: check_circle