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Microbiology, Agritech, Antimicrobial Resistance
New Zealand


I am a microbiologist and my research focuses on applying modern biomedical research techniques to develop new antimicrobial solutions for the primary agricultural industry and the biomedical industry. I specialise in investigating the mechanism of action of novel antimicrobials on large multidisciplinary translational projects. I collaborate with a wide range of scientists (e.g., biologists and medicinal chemists) as well as veterinarians, agribusiness consultants, and end users to investigate the biological activity of newly synthesised compounds, mainly to solve challenges focused on overcoming antimicrobial resistance. I also collaborate with a wide range of NZ and international researchers to develop; new nitrification inhibitors, sanitisers to prevent bovine mastitis, therapeutics (antimicrobials) to treat bovine mastitis and bacterial infections in companion animals, and therapeutics to overcome human antimicrobial resistance.