Personal information
I have published 155 research articles in highly reputed national & international journals and national & international conferences. I have 13 patents published, 1 Design Patent and 1 copyright grant. I am an author of 22 book chapters and have authored 12 books with national publishers. I have been awarded research grants of more than 2 million INR. I have successfully completed these research projects within the stipulated time frame. I have been a Ph. D guide/ supervisor for 3 scholars (ongoing) and 2 (Awarded). I have been an M.Tech and B.Tech guide/supervisor for 24 scholars and 14 groups, respectively.
Overall Expertise Areas and Levels
Advanced: Mechanical Design, Material Science and Metallurgy, Conventional Machining Processes, Electrical Discharge Machining, Additive Manufacturing, Sustainable Manufacturing, Bio-Materials (Metals, Ceramics and Polymers), Minitab, Catia, ANSYS, Master Cam.
Intermediate: WSN network layer attacks- Intrusion Detection System, Traditional Optimisation Techniques, Metaheuristic, Machine Learning- Regressor & Classifier and MATLAB.
Beginner: IIOT, Robotics, PLC, Controllers (PI, PD, PID), Control Systems, UAVs, Artificial Intelligence.
Familiar to Characterisation Techniques- SEM-EDX, XRD, AFM, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, Micro/Nano Hardness Testing
Currently working for SDGs: Goal-9 and Goal-17
I have received 18 awards, appreciation and recognitions by different organisations/ institutions/ agencies for contribution in Academics & Research work.