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Frederic Meunier is a CNRS Director of Research based at IRCELYON, University of Lyon, France. He received a joined PhD in Physical-Chemistry from the University of Strasbourg (France) and Limerick (Ireland) in 1995. His main interests regard the investigation of the mechanisms of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, in particular by using in situ and operando FTIR spectroscopy, themes that were initiated with Prof Julian Ross during his post-doctoral stay in Limerick from 1996 until 1999. He carried out a von Humboldt fellowship in Munich with Prof Johannes Lercher from 1999-2000, where he studied acid-base catalysis and diffusion in zeolites. He was previously senior lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom) over 2000-2007, period during which he researched in the CenTACat group led by Prof Robbie Burch on hydrogen production and environmental catalysis.
He has supervised 18 PhD theses. Dr Meunier has published more than 150 papers in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and spectroscopy applied to catalysis. He has two worldwide patents. He is a member of the editorial board of Catalysis Today and Applied Catalysis B: environmental. He has acted as a reviewer for more than 50 research journals (> 700 verified reviews) and for numerous funding agencies including the European Union research executive agency. He was awarded the 2009 prize of the Catalysis Division of the French Chemical Society. He is currently a member of the CNRS evaluation and recruitment committee (section 14) for 2021-2025.