Personal information

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Employment (4)

University of Kragujevac: Kragujevac, Serbia, RS

2018 to present | Professor (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

University of Kragujevac: Kragujevac, Serbia, RS

2013 to 2018 | Associate professor (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

University of Kragujevac: Kragujevac, Serbia, RS

2009 to 2013 | Assistant professor (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

University of Kragujevac: Kragujevac, Serbia, RS

2007 to 2009 | Research assistant (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Education and qualifications (3)

McGill University Faculty of Science: Montreal, QC, CA

2000 to 2006 | PhD (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

McGill University Faculty of Science: Montreal, QC, CA

1996 to 2000 | Bachelor of science/Honors pharmacology (Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Dawson College , Montreal: Montreal, QC, CA

1994 to 1996 | Preuniversity health science (Health science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Funding (3)

Примена биомедицинског инжињеринга у претклиничкој и клиничкој пракси

2010 to present | Grant
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Belgrade, Kragujevac,Serbia, RS)


Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Утицај интерлеукин 33/ST2 сигнални пут и галектин 3 у патогенези експерименталних периапикалних промена

2010 to present | Grant
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Belgrade, Kragujevac, Serbia, RS)


Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Multi-level patient-specific artery and atherogenesis model for outcome prediction, decision support treatment, and virtual hand-on training.

2013 | Grant
European Commission (brussel, belgium, BE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Works (42)

Unlocking the molecular mechanisms of anticancer and immunomodulatory potentials of cariprazine in triple negative breast cancer

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Lazovic; Bojana Simovic Markovic; Irfan Corovic; Tijana Markovic; Marija Andjelkovic; Bojan Stojanovic; Ivan Jovanovic; Marina Mitrovic
Source: check_circle

Anticancer Properties of Antipsychotic Drugs

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Milica M. Borovcanin; Bojan Stojanovic; Milica Dimitrijevic Stojanovic; Bojana S. Stojanovic; Aleksandar Lazovic; Marina Mitrovic
Source: check_circle

Diagnostic agreement of presepsin, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white blood cell count in patients with suspected sepsis

Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Marija Bulić; Marija Anđelković; Marina Mitrović; Marijana Stanojević-Pirković; Marina Kostić; Slobodan Janković; Jovan Luković; Violeta Mladenović; Ivana Nikolić
Source: check_circle

Insights into Molecular Mechanisms of Anticancer Activity of Juniperus communis Essential Oil in HeLa and HCT 116 Cells

2024-08-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Tijana Marković; Suzana Popović; Sanja Matić; Marina Mitrović; Marijana Anđić; Aleksandar Kočović; Milena Vukić; Vladimir Petrović; Jovica Branković; Nenad Vuković et al.
Source: check_circle

Zaric M, Zivkovic-Zaric R, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Canovic P, Milosavljevic Z, Jovanovic D, Sekulic M, Zelen I. Teucrium polium induces apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from human chronic lymphocytic leukemia publication description January 2019Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review DOI: 10.2298/VSP181010005Z

2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Andjelkovic M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Bačanin Jovanovic , Zelen I, Zaric M, Canovic P, Kovacevic A, Jankovic S. Older Hypertensive patients adherence to healthy life styles behaviors. Ser J Exp Clin Res. 2018;19(1):51-56

Ser J Exp Clin Res
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Jovan Luković , Marina Mitrović , Ivanka Zelen , Petar Čanović , Milan Zarić and Ivana Nikolić. Antitumor Effect of the Chalcone Analogue, (E) -1- (4-Ethoxy-3-Methoxyphenyl) -5- Methylhex-1-en-3-One on HeLa Cell Line. publication description December 2018.Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research

Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Andjelkovic M, Zaric M, Zelen I, Milosavljevic Z, Canovic P, Mitrovic M. Enhanced cytotoxicity and apoptosis by raloxifene in combination with estrogen and methotrexate in human endometrial stromal cells publication date 2018 publication description.Chem Biol Drug Des; 91(4):885-892

Chem Biol Drug De
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Andjelkovic M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Zaric M, Zelen I, Canovic P, Stanojevic Pirkovic M. There is difference between pt values obtained by different analyzers. IFCC WorldLab 2017, 2017 Oct 22-25 , Durban, South Africa. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017;55: pS1672

2017 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Baskic D, Vukovic VR, Popovic S, Djurdjevic P, Zaric M, Nikolic I, Zelen I, Mitrovic M, Avramovic D, Mijailovic Z. Cytokine profile in chronic hepatitis C: An observation. publication date 2017 publication description. Cytokine 2017;96:185-188

2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Canovic P, Simovic AR, Radisavljevic S, Bratsos I, Demitri N, Mitrovic M, Zelen I, Bugarcic ZD.Impact of aromaticity on anticancer activity of polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes: synthesis, structure, DNA/protein binding, lipophilicity and anticancer act publication date 2017 publication description. J Biol Inorg Chem 2017;22(7):1007-1028

J Biol Inorg Chem
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Canovic P, Zelen I, Mitrovic M, Zaric M, Nikolic I . Two newly syhtesized ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes induce selective apoptosis of HeLa cancer cells via mitochondrial pathway. “Biochemistry of Control in Life and Technology”, Serbian Biochemical Society Seventh Conference with international participation, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 2017 Nov 10, Belgrade, Serbia. Proceedings 2017: p133

2017 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Andjelkovic M, Zaric M, Zelen I, Canovic P, Milosavljevic Z, Mitrovic M. Induction of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by raloxifene and estrogen in human endometrial stromal ThESC cell line. publication date 2017 publication description. Arch Med Sci 2017;13(2):293-301

Arch Med Sci
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Andjelkovic M, Jankovic S, Mitrovic M, Mladenovic V, Nikolic I, Zelen I, Zaric M, Canovic P, Folic M. Effects of cardiovascular drugs on TSH serum levels in patients on replacement therapy after thyroidectomy. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2016;54(8):628-33

Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther
2016 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Kastratovic T, Arsenijevic S, Matovic Z, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Milosavljevic Z, Protrka Z, Sorak S and Djuric J . Methotrexate and myotrexate induce apoptosis in human myoma fibroblasts (t hes cell line) via mitochondrial pathway. publication date 2015 publication description. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica and Drug Research 2015;72(3):455-464.

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica and Drug Research
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Mitrovic M. Effects of individual and combined treatment of raloxifene and estrogen on apoptosis in human endometrial stromal ThESC cell line. FEBS3+ Meeting Molecules of life, 11th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2015 Sept 16-19, Portoroz, Slovenija, abstract book PII-98 2015: p220

2015 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zaric M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Baskic D, Popovic S, Djudjevic P, Milosavljevic Z and Zelen I. Chrysin Induces Apoptosis in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Isolated from Human Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia. Anticancer Agents Med Chem 2015;15(2):189-95.

Anticancer Agents Med Chem
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zaric M, Nikolic I, Zelen I, Mitrovic M and Milosavljevic Z. Enhancment of dermal. Fibroblast isolation method. Ser J Exp Clin Res, 2015;16(1):65-69.

Ser J Exp Clin Res
2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Зарић M, Митровић М, Баскић Д, Николић И, Анђелковић М, Зелен И. Метанолски екстрат листа биљке Ligustrum Vulgare индукује селективну апоптозу лимфоцита хроничне лимфоцитне леукемије in vitro. 3. Конгрес хематолога Србије, 2015 Новембар 12-15, Крагујевац, стр183

2015 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Зарић М, Поповић С, Николић И, Анђелковић М, Чановић П, Митровић М, Зелен И. Метанолски екстрат биљке Cordyceps Sinensins делује цитотоксично на лимфоците хроничне лимфоцитне леукемије in vitro. 3. Конгрес хематолога Србије, 2015 Новембар 12 – 15 , Крагујевац, стр.182-С07

2015 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Зарић М, Ђурђевић П, Анђелковић М, Николић И, Чановић П, Митровић М, Зелен И. Метанолски екстрат плода биљке Ligustrum vulgare индукује селективну апоптозу лимфоцита хроничне лимфоцитне леукемије in vitro. 3. Конгрес хематолога Србије, 2015 Новембар 12-15, Крагујевац, стр.182-С08

2015 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Andjelkovic M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Zelen I, Zaric M, Folic M. Correlation between thyroid stimulating hormone level and serum’s sodium and potasium level. “Molecular, cellular and intregrative basis of health and desease: transdisciplinary approach”, 3rd Congres of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation 2014 October 29-31, Belgrade, Serbia, abstract book, p92.

2014 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Zaric M, Andjelkovic M, Zelen I, Mitrovic M. Estrogen and raloxifene induce apoptosis through increasing the bax/bcl-2 ratio and caspase 3 activation in human endometrial stromal thesc cell line. “Molecular, cellular and intregrative basis of health and desease: transdisciplinary approach”, 3rd Congres of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation 2014 Oct 29-31, Belgrade, Serbia, abstract book, p219

2014 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zaric M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Baskic D, Popovic S, Djurdjevic P, Milosavljevic Z.Chrysin induces apoptosis in peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from human chronic lymphocytic leukemia. “Molecular, cellular and intregrative basis of health and desease: transdisciplinary approach”, 3rd Congres of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, 2014 Oct 29-31, Belgrade, Serbia, abstract book, p209

2014 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Mitrovic M, Zelen I, Zaric M, Kastratovic T, Stanojevic M, Nenadovic M, Stojanovic T. Inhibitory role of monovalent ions on rat brain cortex adenylyl cyclase activity. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2013;28(5):1061-1066

Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Petrovic A, Nikolic I, Zaric M, Zelen I, Jovanovic D, Milosavljevic Z, Kastratovic T, Colic M, Andjelkovic M and Marina Mitrovic. Serum deprivation induces apoptotic cell death in ThESC cell line. Ser J Exp Clin Res, 2013;14(1):23-8

Ser J Exp Clin Res
2013 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Mitrovic Marina, “Regulation of apoptosis in various experimental models of diseases”, Serbian Biochemical Society, Second conference Molecular Bioscience, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia (2012), (85-96)

Second conference Molecular Bioscience, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
2012 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Volarevic V, Mitrovic M, Milovanovic M, Zelen I, Nikolic I, Mitrovic S, Pejnovic N, Arsenijevic N. and Lukic M. Protective role of IL-33/ST2 axis in Con A-induced hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology 2012; 56(1):26-33

Journal of Hepatology
2012 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zaric M, Mitrovic M, Nikolic I, Popović S, Djurdjević P, Baskić , Zelen I. Ispitivanje aktivnosti superoksid dizmutaze, katalaze i glutation peroksidaze u plazmi i lizatima limfocita obolelih od hronične limfocitne leukemije. Medicinski časopis, 2011;45(2):9-16.

Medicinski časopis
2011 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

. Zelen I, Stojanovic M, Jurisic-Skevin A, Arsenijevic S. Aktivnost superoksid dizmutaze i katalaze i sadržaj malondildehida u seminalnoj plazmi infertilnih pacijenata. Medicinski pregled 2010; LXIII (9-10):624-629.

Medicinski pregled
2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

M. Ðordevic, S. Mitrovic, B. Jovanovic, P. Sazdanovic, M Folic, M. Mitrovic and G. Ðordevic. Expression of estrogen and progesteronе receptors in subcutaneous endometriosis. Archives of Biological Sciences 2010; 62(3): 547-551

Archives of Biological Sciences
2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Kastratovic T, Zelen I, Zivanovic A, Arsenijevic S and Mitrovic M. Cytosolic pro-apoptotic SPIKE induces mitochondrial apoptosis in cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2010; 395(2):225-231.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun
2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

S. Popovic, D. Baskic, P. Djurdjevic, I. Zelen, M. Mitrovic, I. Nikolic, D. Avramovic, M. Radenkovic, N. Arsenijevic. Endoplasmic reticulum stess-associated caspases-4 and -2 mediates Korbazol-induced CLL cell apoptosis. J BUON 2010; 15:783-790.

2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zelen I, Djurdjevic P, Popovic S, Stojanovic M, Jakovljevic V, Radivojevic S, Baskic D, Arsenijevic N. Antioxidant enzymes activities and plasma levels of oxidative stress markers in B-chronic lymphocyte leukemia patients. J BUON 2010; 15: 330-336.

2010 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Nikolic I, Zaric M, Stojanovic M, Zelen I, Stojanovic T. Effect of monovalent ions on adenylate cyclase activity in the synaptic membranes of rat brain cortex. “Current trends in physiological science”, 2nd Congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, 2009 Sept17 – 19, Kragujevac, Serbia, abstract book, p.114

“Current trends in physiological science”, 2nd Congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation,
2009 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zaric M, Nikolic I, Zelen I, Stojanovic M, Stojanovic T. Effect of potassium and rubidium ions on adenylate cyclase activity in the synaptic membranes of rat brain cortex. “ Current trends in physiological science”, 2nd Congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, 2009 Sept 17 – 19, Kragujevac, Serbia, abstract book p.115

“ Current trends in physiological science”, 2nd Congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation,
2009 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Stojanovic M, Zelen I, Nikolic I and Baskic D. A novel role for ST2 as an inhibitory regulator of apoptosis and inflammation in Con-A induced hepatitis. 2nd European Journal of Immunology, European federation of Immunological Societies Second EFIS/EJI Belgrade Symposium: Inflammation at the Interface of Innate and Acquired Immunity, 2008 Sept 7-10, Belgrade, Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 2008;9(suppl 1):p101

2008 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zelen I, Djurdjevic P, Popovic S, Radivojevic S, Stojanovic M, Baskic D, Arsenijević N. Superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities in lymphocytes and in serum of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Medicus 2007;8(2):43-48

2007 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Zelen I, Djurdjevic P, Popovic S, Radivojevic S, Stojanovic M, Jovanović I, Baskić D, i Arsenijevic N. Enzimi glutationskog ciklusa kod obolelih od hronične limfocitne leukemije. XXXII Oktobarski zdravstveni dani, 2007 Oct 25-26, Kragujevac, Medicinski časopis 2007;41(1):p26-27

2007 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Stojanovic M, Germain M, Nguyen M. and Shore GC. BAP31 and Its caspase cleavage product regulate cell surface expression of tetraspanins and Integrin-mediated cell survival. J Biol Chem 2005; 280(34): 30018-30024

J Biol Chem
2005 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Breckenridge DG, Stojanovic M, Marcellus RC. and Shore GC. Caspase cleavage product of BAP31 induces mitochondrial fission through endoplasmic reticulum calcium signals, enhancing cytochrome c release to the cytosol . JCB 2003; 160(7):1115-1127.

2003 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic

Wang B, Nguyen M, Breckenridge DG, Stojanovic M, Clemons PA, Kuppig S, Shore GC. Uncleaved BAP31 in association with A4 protein at the ER is an inhibitor of Fas-initiated release of cyt. c from mitochondria. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003; 278(16):

Journal of Biological Chemistry
2003 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marina Mitrovic ex. stojanovic