Personal information


Employment (6)

SKEMA Business School: Paris, Paris, FR

2019-09-02 to present | Assistant Professor (Digitalisation Academy)
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

BearingPoint GmbH Berlin: Berlin, Berlin, DE

2013-06 to 2013-12 | Masterand (Department of Innovation Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

City Hall in Darmstadt -Office of twinning and international relations: Darmstadt, Hesse, DE

2010-05 to 2011-07 | Assistant (Office of twinning and international relations)
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Deutsche Telekom AG : Darmstadt, Hesse, DE

2010-10 to 2011-04 | Internship Tasks (Department Products & Innovation )
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Universidad de la Rioja: Logrono, La Rioja, ES

2009-11 to 2010-05 | Internship (Student Services Office )
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Universidad de la Rioja: Logrono, La Rioja, ES

2008-05 to 2009-08 | Internship (Computer Science Department )
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Works (20)

The superhit effect and long tail phenomenon in the context of electronic word of mouth

Decision Support Systems
2019-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0167-9236
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Identification of the unique attributes and topics within Smart Things Open Innovation Communities

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2019-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0040-1625
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Application of text mining techniques to the analysis of discourse in eWOM communications from a gender perspective

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Teso, E.; Olmedilla, M.; Martínez-Torres, M. R.; Toral, S. L.
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Identifying the features of reputable users in eWOM communities by using Particle Swarm Optimization

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2018-06-13 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Harvesting Big Data in Social Science: A methodological approach for collecting online user generated content.

Computer Standards & Interfaces
2016 | Journal article


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Identification of Influencers in eWord-of-Mouth communities using their Online Participation Features

Proceedings of the 1st international Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics, CARMA2016
2016 | Conference paper


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Identification of Influencers in eWord-of-Mouth communities using their Online Participation Features

Proceedings of the 1st international Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics, CARMA2016
2016 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Identification of innovation solvers in open innovation communities using swarm intelligence

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Martinez-Torres, Rocio; Olmedilla, Maria
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Identification of innovation solvers in open innovation communities using swarm intelligence

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2016-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Harvesting Big Data in Social Science: A methodological approach for collecting online user generated content.

Computer Standards & Interfaces
2016-05 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

A long tail study of eWOM communities

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
2015 | Conference paper


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

A long tail study of eWOM communities

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
2015 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

A quantitative study of the evolution of Open Source Software Communities.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
2015 | Conference paper


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

A quantitative study of the evolution of Open Source Software Communities.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
2015 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Analysis of the long tail of niche products within an eWOM

Webdatanet Conference
2015 | Other


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Analysis of the long tail of niche products within an eWOM

Webdatanet Conference
2015 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Examining Gender Discourse Differences in Shared Reviews about Books in eWOM

8th Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering DeSE2015
2015 | Conference paper


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Examining Gender Discourse Differences in Shared Reviews about Books in eWOM

8th Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering DeSE2015
2015 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández

Examining the power-law distribution among eWOM communities: A characterization approach of the long tail.

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
2015 | Journal article


Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández via ResearcherID

Examining the power-law distribution among eWOM communities: A characterization approach of the long tail.

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
2015-12-18 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
María Olmedilla Fernández