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Solange Mekuate Kamga is currently enrolled in a PhD in Applied Ecology and Wildlife Management at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Her research is focused on the ’Diversity and distribution of birds of Mount Cameroon. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Zoology, and a master’s degree in Applied Ecology and Wildlife Management from the University of Dschang. Since 2018 she has been working as a field assistant for scientists from Charles University in Czeck Republic, conducting research on birds of Mount Cameroon. Benefiting from the Erasmus+ program, she spent her stay at the university of South Bohemia where she learned data analysis with software such as Canoco Statistica and R.
She is very passionate about animals, especially birds. Conducting research on birds has enabled her to have a better understanding about the important interaction between the human society and nature. She is interested in pursuing a professional career in biodiversity conservation practice, especially as a conservation biologist.