Personal information
No personal information available
Date of birth: 23.07.1960
Nationality: Russian
Marital status: married
2011 – 2013 Moscow Technological University of the Food Industry. Doctoral studies.
Honours degree: Doctor of Engineering.
1982 – 1985 Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry. Postgraduate
stude. Honours degree: Candidate of Chemistry
1977 – 1982 Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry.
Degree: process engineer of microbiological productions
Additional education:
2013; 2016; 2019 Academy of standardization, metrology and certification
Degree: expert in the field of standardization and examination of drafts
of standards
2007 Moscow Technological University of the Food Industry.
Advanced training course in the field of quality management,
certification and standardization of food additives.
Work experience:
January 1986– Junuary 2010 Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry/ Moscow
Technological University of the Food Industry:
junior researcher, assistant, senior research associate, senior
teacher, associate professor (from mach 1994)
Feb 2010 – 2016 ООО «Corporation SOUYZ».
Deputy director of department of technical regulation
Junuary 2017- present time CNII Modern Fat Technology
Deputy Director for research
Professional experience:
Fundamental knowledge in various branches of the food industry, including food and biologically active supplements. I directed scientific researches in the field of extraction of vegetable oils, proteins and carbohydrates, have 11 patents RF and 130 scientific works, including 3 monographs.
The expert in the field of technical regulation. Participant of the working groups on development Federal Law №90-ФЗ «Технический регламент на масложировую продукцию» and Technical regulations of the Customs Union ТР ТС 024/2011 «Технический регламент на масложировую продукцию», ТР ТС 021/2011 «О безопасности пищевой продукции», ТР ТС 022/2011 «Пищевая продукция в части ее маркировки». I took part in development more than 15 standards for various foodstuff (GOST, GOST R). The member of Technical Committee RosStandurt 036; 124; 238.
Languages: Russian (native); English (good knowledge); French (basic)
Hobby:: traveling, theatre.