Personal information
Medical Licence: 42550-6 (Barcelona Medical College)
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu - UB, Barcelona, Spain
Neuromuscular Unit
Passeig Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
Telephone: +34 627548453
E mail:
Since 2010 I have been dedicated to the clinical, electromyographic, genetics and
pathological diagnosis and medical care of paediatric patients with neuromuscular diseases
(Spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophies, neuropathies, myopathies, congenital and
immunological myasthenias, spastic paraparesis, etc) at the Neuromuscular Unit
of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona. As neuropediatrician of
the neuromuscular Unit I have promoted a comprehensive treatment of neuromuscular patient,
with a multidisciplinary approach. I am investigator of different international trials and clinical
collaborator in various translational research projects, natural history studies and national and
national and international patient registry.
In addition to the activity in the Neuromuscular Pathology unit, I am the neuropaediatric
consultant of the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Hospital - University
of Barcelona