Personal information

Microbiology, Host-microbe interactions, Endophytes, Microbiomes


Employment (5)

University of Oulu: Oulu, FI

2023-09-11 to 2027-08-31 | Academy Research Fellow / Project: METCOM - Methanotroph communities filtering methane produced by coniferous forest trees (Ecology and Genetics Research Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

University of Oulu: Oulu, FI

2021-09-01 to 2022-12-31 | Post-Doctoral Researcher/Academy of Finland project: MoPoW - Microbes and the floating-hook moss in phytoremediation of mining water (Ecology and Genetics Research Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

University of Oulu: Oulu, FI

2019-01-01 to 2021-04-30 | Post-Doctoral Researcher/Academy of Finland project: INCELL - Traits in Emerging Endosymbiosis for Manipulating Host Cell (Ecology and Genetics Research Unit)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

University of California: Merced, CA, US

2019-09 to 2020-03 | Post Doctoral Researcher/Visiting Scholar (Sierra Nevada Research Institute)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

University of Oulu: Oulu, FI

2016-01-01 to 2017-12-31 | Project Coordinator/Business Finland - Reseach to Business (R2B) project: FAR - Fatty Acid Analogs for treating retinal degeneration (Ecology and Genetics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Oulu: Oulu, FI

(Genetics and Physiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

Works (26)

Dynamics of fungal endophytic communities in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruits through development is shaped by host phenolic compounds

FEMS Microbiology Ecology
2025-01-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Minh-Phuong Nguyen; Kaisa Lehosmaa; Françoise Martz; Janne J Koskimäki; Katalin Toth; Saija H K Ahonen; Hely Häggman; Anna-Maria Pirttilä
Source: check_circle

Weather in two climatic regions shapes the diversity and drives the structure of fungal endophytic community of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit

Environmental Microbiome
2024-01-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Minh-Phuong Nguyen; Kaisa Lehosmaa; Katalin Toth; Janne J. Koskimäki; Hely Häggman; Anna Maria Pirttilä
Source: check_circle

The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics

2023-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Mc Cartney AM; Formenti G; Mouton A; De Panis D; Marins LS; Leitão HG; Diedericks G; Kirangwa J; Morselli M; Salces-Ortiz J et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Editorial: Role of endophytic bacteria in improving plant stress resistance.

Frontiers in plant science
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Liu Y; Morelli M; Koskimäki JJ; Qin S; Zhu YH; Zhang XX
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Host species shape the community structure of culturable endophytes in fruits of wild berry species (Vaccinium myrtillus L., Empetrum nigrum L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.).

FEMS microbiology ecology
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Nguyen MP; Lehosmaa K; Martz F; Koskimäki JJ; Pirttilä AM; Häggman H
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

The meristem-associated endosymbiont Methylorubrum extorquens DSM13060 reprograms development and stress responses of pine seedlings.

Tree physiology
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Koskimäki JJ; Pohjanen J; Kvist J; Fester T; Härtig C; Podolich O; Fluch S; Edesi J; Häggman H; Pirttilä AM
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Biofertilizers and Biocontrol Agents for Agriculture: How to Identify and Develop New Potent Microbial Strains and Traits

2021-04-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna Maria Pirttilä; Habibollah Mohammad Parast Tabas; Namrata Baruah; Janne J. Koskimäki
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Compensatory IgM to the Rescue: Patients with Selective IgA Deficiency Have Increased Natural IgM Antibodies to MAA–LDL and No Changes in Oral Microbiota

2021-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Miia A Mella; Anton Lavrinienko; Ramin Akhi; Rasmus Hindström; Antti E Nissinen; Chunguang Wang; Arja Kullaa; Tuula Salo; Juha Auvinen; Janne J Koskimäki et al.
Source: check_circle

The protective role of PHB and its degradation products against stress situations in bacteria.

FEMS microbiology reviews
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Müller-Santos M; Koskimäki JJ; Alves LPS; de Souza EM; Jendrossek D; Pirttilä AM
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Does Intraspecific Variation in rDNA Copy Number Affect Analysis of Microbial Communities?

Trends in microbiology
2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Lavrinienko A; Jernfors T; Koskimäki JJ; Pirttilä AM; Watts PC
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Fungal Dysbiosis and Intestinal Inflammation in Children With Beta-Cell Autoimmunity.

Frontiers in immunology
2020-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Honkanen J; Vuorela A; Muthas D; Orivuori L; Luopajärvi K; Tejesvi MVG; Lavrinienko A; Pirttilä AM; Fogarty CL; Härkönen T et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Corpse management of the invasive Argentine ant inhibits growth of pathogenic fungi

Scientific Reports
2019-05-20 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2045-2322
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

Different endophyte communities colonize buds of sprouts compared with mature trees of mountain birch recovered from moth herbivory

Tree physiology
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki


2018-11-27 | Patent


Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki

Methyl-esterified 3-hydroxybutyrate oligomers protect bacteria from hydroxyl radicals

Nature Chemical Biology
2016-05-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Janne J Koskimäki; Marena Kajula; Juho Hokkanen; Emmi-Leena Ihantola; Jong H Kim; Heidi Hautajärvi; Elina Hankala; Marko Suokas; Johanna Pohjanen; Olga Podolich et al.
Source: check_circle

MB1533 is a Defensin-Like Antimicrobial Peptide from the Intracellular Meristem Endophyte of Scots Pine Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060

Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Tejesvi MV; Andersen B
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

The Intracellular Scots Pine Shoot Symbiont Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060 Aggregates around the Host Nucleus and Encodes Eukaryote-Like Proteins

2015-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Janne J. Koskimäki; Anna Maria Pirttilä; Emmi-Leena Ihantola; Outi Halonen; A. Carolin Frank
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Interaction with ectomycorrhizal fungi and endophytic Methylobacterium affects nutrient uptake and growth of pine seedlings in vitro.

2014-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Pohjanen J; Koskimäki JJ; Sutela S; Ardanov P; Suorsa M; Niemi K; Sarjala T; Häggman H; Pirttilä AM
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Localization of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) and Methylobacterium extorquens genes of strawberry flavor biosynthesis in strawberry tissue by in situ hybridization

Journal of Plant Physiology
2014-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Constantina Nasopoulou; Johanna Pohjanen; Janne J. Koskimäki; Ioannis Zabetakis; Anna Maria Pirttilä
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Interactions of Meristem-Associated Endophytic Bacteria

Advances in Endophytic Research
2013-10-05 | Other
Contributors: Johanna Pohjanen; Janne J. Koskimäki; Anna Maria Pirttilä
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

A SQUAMOSA MADS box gene involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in bilberry fruits.

2010-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Jaakola L; Poole M; Jones MO; Kämäräinen-Karppinen T; Koskimäki JJ; Hohtola A; Häggman H; Fraser PD; Manning K; King GJ et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Europe PubMed Central

Mycobacteria are hidden endophytes in the shoots of rock plant [Pogonatherum paniceum (Lam.) Hack.] (Poaceae)

Environmental Microbiology Reports
2010-03-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Janne J. Koskimäki; Elina Hankala; Marja Suorsa; Sannakajsa Nylund; Anna Maria Pirttilä
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Phenolic compounds in ectomycorrhizal interaction of lignin modified silver birch

BMC Plant Biology
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Suvi Sutela; Karoliina Niemi; Jaanika Edesi; Tapio Laakso; Pekka Saranpää; Jaana Vuosku; Riina Mäkelä; Heidi Tiimonen; Vincent L Chiang; Janne Koskimäki et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Flavonoid biosynthesis and degradation play a role in early defence responses of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) against biotic stress

Eur J Plant Pathol
2009-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Janne J. Koskimäki; Juho Hokkanen; Laura Jaakola; Marja Suorsa; Ari Tolonen; Sampo Mattila; Anna Maria Pirttilä; Anja Hohtola
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Artificial infection of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. and defence responses to Exobasidium species

Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
2008-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Tuija Pehkonen; Janne Koskimäki; Kaisu Riihinen; Anna Maria Pirttilä; Anja Hohtola; Laura Jaakola; Anne Tolvanen
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search

Role of origin and endophyte infection in browning of bud-derived tissue cultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult
2008-07-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna Maria Pirttilä; Olga Podolich; Janne J. Koskimäki; Esa Hohtola; Anja Hohtola
Source: Self-asserted source
Janne J. Koskimäki via Crossref Metadata Search