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ICT4D, Global Information Systems, eGovernment, Social Change, developing countries


Dr Ahmed Imran is an Associate Professor at the University of Canberra who leads the interdisciplinary research cluster of Digital inequality and social change (RC-DISC). Ahmed’s research interests include IT innovation and design, digital inequality, online child protection, societal transformations through ICT and the short- and long-term influence of IT in shaping the societies for the future. Dr Imran has garnered over a decade of academic experience in Australia’s leading Universities and has published in top-tier journals. His vast experience as an IT manager as well as his work in developing countries became invaluable for research and in understanding and providing a rich insight into the socio-cultural context through multiple lenses. Dr Imran’s research has proven to bring real-world applications to the table and cemented its importance in the eyes of the research community.


Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Humanities & social sciences communications. (1)