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Works (8)

AutoMiner: Reinforcement Learning-Based Mining Attack Simulator

2025 | Book chapter
Contributors: Wei Li; Lide Xue; Ziyang Han; Bingren Chen; Xishan Zhang; Xuehai Zhou
Source: check_circle

A novel quantum algorithm for converting between one-hot and binary encodings

Quantum Information Processing
2024-05-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Bingren Chen; Hanqing Wu; Haomu Yuan; Lei Wu; Xin Li
Source: check_circle

Avalon: A Scalable and Secure Distributed Transaction Ledger Based on Proof-of-Market

IEEE Transactions on Computers
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Weilin Chen; Wei Yang; Lide Xue; Bingren Chen; Youwen Zhu; Liusheng Huang
Source: check_circle

A novel quantum (t, n) threshold group signature based on d-dimensional quantum system

Quantum Information Processing
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mingzhu Gao; Wei Yang; Yang Liu
Source: check_circle

How Bob in Quantum Private Query Protocol Gets the Element?

IEEE Access
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Bingren Chen; Lide Xue; Wei Yang; Liusheng Huang
Source: check_circle

Practical quantum Byzantine protocol via nearly optimal entanglement resources

Quantum Information Processing
2019-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Lide Xue; Bingren Chen; Wei Yang; Liusheng Huang
Source: check_circle

Cryptanalysis and improvement of the novel quantum scheme for secure two-party distance computation

Quantum Information Processing
2019-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bingren Chen; Wei Yang; Liusheng Huang
Source: check_circle

Cryptanalysis and improvement of the novel semi-quantum secret sharing scheme based on Bell states

Modern Physics Letters B
2018-09-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Bingren Chen; Wei Yang; Liusheng Huang
Source: check_circle