Personal information
I am a CNRS research director at the University of Burgundy. I have an education in Earth Sciences: BSc in fundamental & applied Geology in 1987, Master in Palaeontology in 1989 and finally, PhD thesis in palaeontology in 1992. I 'drifted' towards biochemistry during my Master degree and PhD thesis, before acquiring competences in molecular biology during my 2nd post-doc in Leiden University, The Netherlands (1994-2000). My main interest in research lies in the field of biomineralization. I have received the Vening Meinesz Price from the Dutch Research Council in 1998 for my research on the origin of metazoan calcification. In 2001 and 2002, I was research scientist in a biotech company, IsoTis, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, which was developing bone and cartilage implants. I was then recruited by CNRS in 2003 in Biogeosciences research unit in Dijon (University of Burgundy).
I have set up a laboratory devoted to biomineralization and to the characterization of organic matrices associated to calcium carbonate biominerals. I have supervised 6 PhD theses and have hosted several French and foreign trainees (PhD, postdocs, researchers) in the last fifteen years. I have co-piloted and piloted a COST network, Biomineralix (2009-2014) and have developed collaborations all over the world. My main research focuses on the evolution of biomineralization, the molecular processes of biomineral deposition and the diagenesis of biogenic calcium carbonates.