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Education and qualifications (1)

RMIT University: Melbourne, Victoria, AU

2022-07-29 to present | Phd (STEM)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lixin Lin

Works (8)

Evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns: Insights from unvaccinated mortality data

Infectious Disease Modelling
2025-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2468-0427
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Haydar Demirhan; Lewi Stone
Source: Self-asserted source
Lixin Lin

The 1978 English boarding school influenza outbreak: where the classic SEIR model fails

Journal of The Royal Society Interface
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Konstantin K. Avilov; Qiong Li; Lixin Lin; Haydar Demirhan; Lewi Stone; Daihai He
Source: check_circle

Quantifying indirect and direct vaccination effects arising in the SIR model

Journal of The Royal Society Interface
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Homayoun Hamedmoghadam; Robert Shorten; Lewi Stone
Source: check_circle

Assessing the impact of Australia’s mass vaccination campaigns over the Delta and Omicron outbreaks

2024-04-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Yury E. Khudyakov; Haydar Demirhan; Simon P. Johnstone-Robertson; Rajiv Lal; James M. Trauer; Lewi Stone
Source: check_circle

Resolving the enigma of Iquitos and Manaus: A modeling analysis of multiple COVID-19 epidemic waves in two Amazonian cities

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2023-03-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Daihai He; Lixin Lin; Yael Artzy-Randrup; Haydar Demirhan; Benjamin J. Cowling; Lewi Stone
Source: check_circle

Two waves of COIVD-19 in Brazilian cities and vaccination impact

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2022 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1551-0018
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Boqiang Chen; Yanji Zhao; Weiming Wang; Daihai He
Source: Self-asserted source
Lixin Lin

Multiple COVID-19 Waves and Vaccination Effectiveness in the United States

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Yanji Zhao; Boqiang Chen; Daihai He
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Disease Severity and Clinical Outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern

Frontiers in Public Health
2021-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2296-2565
Contributors: Lixin Lin; Ying Liu; Xiujuan Tang; Daihai He
Source: Self-asserted source
Lixin Lin via Crossref Metadata Search