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Sayed Mortaza Kazemi has done his master’s degree in the field of MSc(Computer Science) with a gold medal and 98.33% from South Asian University. He has done his bachelor's in the field of Information Science & Engineering as “Best Outgoing Student” from Visvesvaraya Technological University in Bangalore India.
His Master’s dissertation became three journal papers in which one is published in a European journal entitled “Knowledge-Based System” and the other two are under review in two more European journals.
He has 3 years experience of working with Behzad English Institution as an English lecturer. He has also worked with an International Networking Company “Octel Networking Pvt ltd‟ in Bangalore India. He is currently an honorary Rosalind Member of London Journals Press which is located in the United Kingdom. His research interests include machine learning, multi-label learning, and data science.