Personal information
PhD in Biological Anthropology, University of Barcelona, Spain (2016).
Master degree in Primatology, University of Barcelona (2010).
Master degree in Biology with specialization in Physical Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland (2008).
Postdoctoral fellow in the postgraduate program in History at UNIFESP in the area of Forensic Anthropology at the Center of Forensic Anthropology and Archeology, Federal University of São Paulo (CAAF-UNIFESP) (2018-2021).
Specialization course in Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights of UNIFESP (2017-2018).
Fellow at the University of Barcelona in the Laboratory of Advanced Optical Microscopy, Scientific and Technological Centers (2010-2013).
Teaching experience in the following courses: Human population biology, Odontology in anthropological practie, Osteometry and cranioscopy, Methods in paleo-anthropology and forensic anthropology, as well as Genetics of human behavior.
More than five years of experience in the field of bio-anthropology, especially in the field of dental analysis, age estimation, linear morphometry and bi- and tri-dimensional geometric morphometry, osteology.
Main lines of research are: forensic anthropology; biological anthropology, dental anthropology; dispersion, biogeography, and biological and cultural variability both in modern humans and in past human populations; bio-cultural evolution and self-perception of the body.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (4)
Funding (2)