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Seasoned data scientist and software engineer managing projects at the frontier between health sciences, artificial intelligence and databases. Twenty years of hands-on experience with data and knowledge management software development, including in-depth knowledge of the following:
- data standards;
- data policies and information assurance, such as security and privacy;
- data operation including curation, quality monitoring, semantic integration, provenance management, and uncertainty assessment;
- data visualization;
- data analytics including automated reasoning; and
- planning, developing, acquiring, and operating large-scale data solutions
Developed a track record of addressing organizations’ critical data infrastructure needs in twenty-two sponsored projects, including ten projects as Principal Investigator and five projects as Manager. Proven-record of delivering software solutions for data and knowledge management under diversified scenarios:
- In support of both public and private organizations
- In support of both academic prototypes and commercial solutions
- Working individually and as a member of large teams
- Working within a single organization and across organizations
- Developing proprietary software and open-source software
Authored 110+ peer-reviewed scientific publications. Published and served as program committee member of both the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) conference and the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), the top two international conferences in the field of Artificial Intelligence
Headed software and data operations for a major utility company: led a task force of 120+ software developers, financial experts, and accountants who successfully maintained and enhanced a combination of twelve corporative systems and sixty departmental systems responsible for managing more than 20 million customer accounts in multiple relational databases, including the use of data warehouses and spatial data repositories
Co-founded the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded CyberShare Center of Excellence at the University of Texas at El Paso. Out of thousands of NSF-funded projects, the center was one of the four projects highlighted in the agency’s 2010 annual budget request to Congress due to the center’s computer science contributions, including those in data analytics and data visualization