Personal information
Full Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, working in Phycology since my graduation. My main expertise is in molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of algae, genomics of algae and bacteria, focusing mainly on red algae. I am interested in the origin, evolution and diversity of Rhodophyta, in addition to the origin and evolution of chloroplasts and mitochondria in different groups of algae. I was Assistant Editor of Phycologia for 8 years and was in the Journal of Phycology Editorial Board for one term (3 years). I was International Vice-President of Phycological Society of America for two terms (4 years), and head of the Botany Department for one term (2 years). Presently I integrate the coordination committee of the Biota-FAPESP program (Science 2010, vol 238:1358-1359) and the Botany Advisory Committee (CA-BO) of CNPq. I have more than 100 publications (including two papers in Nature), supervised more than 60 students (from undergraduates to pos-docs) and have experience in projects coordination (including international projects and networks).