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Magda Costa Carvalho is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of the Azores, Portugal, a research member of NICA: Interdisciplinary Center for Childhood and Adolescence, University of the Azores, and an integrated member of the Research Group “Philosophy and Public Space”, of the Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto (FIL/00502). She holds a Ph.D. on Henri Bergson’s philosophy. Her research focuses are on Contemporary Philosophies, Philosophy for/with Children, Philosophy of Childhood, having also done some research on topics related to Environmental Philosophy. She is the Director of a Master’s Program in Philosophy for Children (University of the Azores). She currently serves as Co-Editor of the Peer-Review and Scopus Indexed Journal childhood&philosophy. She has published peer-reviewed articles, chapters and books on her fields of expertise. She holds Philosophy for/with Children training and offers Philosophy for Children sessions in a public school.
Employment (2)
Funding (4)
FCT Project PTDC/FIL-FIL/102893/2008
SFRH/BD/29288 /2006