Personal information
Garineh Keshishyan’s Biography
Name and Surname: Garineh Keshishyan Siraki,
Date and place of birth: 1971 Tehran -Graduation: Title of the year Graduation -Bachelor's degree: Political Science in 1994 from Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch. M.Sc.: Political Science in 1999 from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch (first rank of the course).Ph.D. Political Science in 2009 from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch (first rank of the course).Orientation: Political Thought Political Sociology -Master Thesis Title: Hannah Arendt's Political Thoughts with an Approach to the Concept of Communication Power, defended on September 1, 1999 (with excellent degree)Title of the doctoral dissertation: A comparative study of the concept of political legitimacy in Imam Khomeini's and Jürgen Habermas’s Thoughts, defended on March 7, 2009.
Executive Responsibilities:
1- Research Director of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, from 2014 to July 2016
2- Member of the Research Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and Secretary of the Council from 2014 to July 2016
3- Member of the Educational Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science from 2014 to July 2016
4 - Member of the Graduate Studies Council of the Department of Political Science since 2013
5 - Member of the specialized working group of scientific products of Tehran South Branch until July 2016
6- Member of the joint meeting of research managers and staff managers of South Tehran branch until July 2016
7- Member of the Political Science Association since 2014
8 - Internal Editor of the International Journal of Political Science) International Journal of Political Science (since 2015 and English language teacher
9 - Member of the Graduate Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, South Tehran Branch since 2013
10- members of the board for organizing the comprehensive doctoral exam, corrector and question designer from the first period until now
11 members of the Higher Education Council from 2013 to now
12- members of the editorial board of the Quarterly Journal of International Political Studies -
13- Visiting Professors, Islamic Azad University, Kish International Branch and Electronics Branch
14- Members of the Editorial board of Jahed Scientific Journal
15- Members of the committee for interviewing doctoral students since 2013
16- Directors of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, All -Sections from February 2017 until now
17- Managers of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Kish International Branch, from February 2016 to now
18- Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Director of Political Science and International Relations Departments of Tehran Province
19- members of the Provincial Planning and Coordination Council related to the fields of political science with all orientations
20- members of the Provincial Planning and Coordination Council related to the field of international relations.
21- Member of the Educational Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, since 2016
22- Member of the Research Council of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch since 2016
23- Member of Vali-e-Asr Educational Council, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, since 2017
24-Member of the Research Council of Vali-e-Asr Complex, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, since 2017
25- Member of the Strategic Council of Vali-e-Asr Complex since 2017
26- Member of the editorial board of Andisheh International Relations Monthly
27- Member of the editorial board of International Politics Quarterly
28- Member of the editorial board of the women's magazine
29- Member of the Scientific Association of the Islamic Revolution
30- Member of the scientific and specialized working group of science and policymaking
* Presenting a speech at the first congress of successful women in Iran, March 7, 2017
* Presenting a lecture and article entitled Peace, Citizenship Rights, and Good Governance, National Conference on What is Peace, December 29, 2017