Personal information

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Employment (5)

Shell International BV: Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, NL

2010-06-01 to 2021-10-31 | Structural Geology expert
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Petroleum Development Oman: Muscat, OM

2004-05-01 to 2010-05-31 | Fractured reservoir expert
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Shell International BV: Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, NL

1999-01-01 to 2004-04-30 | Structural geologist
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Petroleum Development Oman: Muscat, OM

1996-03-01 to 1998-12-31 | Structural Geologist/explorationist
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Shell : Rijwisjk, NL

1991-02-01 to 1996-02-28 | Research Structural Geologist (Structural Geology Research team)
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Education and qualifications (1)

Géosciences Rennes: Rennes, FR

1986-09-15 to 1989-12-31 | PhD on Strike-slip tectonics
Source: Self-asserted source
Pascal Richard

Works (3)

Fracture network analysis of Jebel Madar (North Oman): new perspectives from very-high resolution Digital Outcrop Modelling

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Niccolò Menegoni; Yuri Panara; Regina Iakusheva; Juliette Lamarche; Pascal Richard; Thomas Finkbeiner
Source: check_circle

Python toolbox for fracture stratigraphy quantification and mechanical interface characterization

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Paul Joseph Fimbiyaha Namongo Soro; Juliette Lamarche; Sophie Viseur; Fateh Messaadi; Pascal Richard
Source: check_circle

Scale discrepancy paradox between observation and modelling in fractured reservoir models in oil and gas industry

Geological Magazine
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: P.D. Richard; L. Bazalgette; C. Volery; A. Toukhi
Source: check_circle