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Works (4)

A Dynamically-Reconfigurable Burst-Mode Link Using a Nanosecond Photonic Switch

Journal of Lightwave Technology
2020-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Alex Forencich; Valerija Kamchevska; Nicolas Dupuis; Benjamin G. Lee; Christian W. Baks; George Papen; Laurent Schares
Source: check_circle

Fully SDN-Enabled All-Optical Architecture for Data Center Virtualization with Time and Space Multiplexing

Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
2018-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: K. Kondepu; C. Jackson; Y. Ou; A. Beldachi; A. Pagès; F. Agraz; F. Moscatelli; W. Miao; V. Kamchevska; N. Calabretta et al.
Source: check_circle

On-Chip SDM Switching for Unicast, Multicast, and Traffic Grooming in Data Center Networks

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
2017-01-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Valerija Kamchevska; Yunhong Ding; Kjeld Dalgaard; Michael Berger; Leif K. Oxenlowe; Michael Galili
Source: check_circle

Experimental Demonstration of Multidimensional Switching Nodes for All-Optical Data Center Networks

Journal of Lightwave Technology
2016 | Journal article
Source: check_circle