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Diego Domínguez Balmaseda PhD, is a professor and researcher at the European University of Madrid. He is part of two research teams: MAS Microbiota, led by Dr. Mar Larrosa Pérez and the Real Madrid Graduate School Football Research and Innovation Group, of which I am the principal investigator, a group with 6 lines of research and innovation.
In addition, he is a professor at the Università degli Studi di Roma (Foro Italico) in the Master of Sports Physiotherapy, associated with the Università Biocampus di Roma. He is a senior professional in physiotherapy and sports rehabilitation with more than 10 years of experience in sectors such as professional football, tennis and in hospitals (Quirón Salud). He has a degree in Physiotherapy and a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. He specializes in Sports Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Therapeutic Exercise, Osteoarticular Manual Therapy and Advanced Dry Needling of the Locomotor System.
In the field of management, he is the Academic Director of the Escuela Universitaria del Real Madrid / Universidad Europea, with a total of 32 programs and 38 directors of master's degrees under his charge, with functions of business development, international expansion and implementation of the academic model of the Real Madrid School/European University. Director of the Departments Degree in Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Sports Sciences OL. Coordinator of the Sports Physiotherapy I, II and III subjects within the Degree in Physiotherapy, (Italian, English and Spanish). Academic coordinator at the Center for International Health Studies. (CEISAL Madrid). MBA in Health and Hospital Management.
The MAS Microbiota research group has been able to achieve several research projects, including the National Plan 2022, entitled: Design of personalized supplements based on the intestinal Microbiota of Alzheimer's patients through network analysis and Artificial Intelligence.
Mijor Project: The Microbiota as an Instrument to Improve Sports Performance -MIJOR Project-”. (European University of Madrid).
ReWind project: Effects of herbal pill supplementation on the recovery of delayed-onset muscle soreness induced by acute exercise. (European University of Madrid). And the MicroRNA Project. Multiomics Approach for the study of the interactions between physical exercise and intestinal Microbiota: Pilot study. (European University of Madrid).