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Luxembourg, France, Egypt, Spain, United Kingdom


Dr. Shabayek is a Research Scientist at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg, since June 2016 as a member of the CV Lab in SIGCOM and currently CVI2 research group, and a visiting scholar in the VIBOT Erasmus Mundus program on computer vision and Robotics since 2014. Dr. Shabayek is also an assistant professor (on leave) in the Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Suez Canal University and was a adjunct assistant professor in both Information Technology Institute and Sinai University as well as a part-time project manager in EULA-Soft in Egypt from 2014 to 2016 and a research fellow in LITIS, University of Rouen, and Le2i-CNRS, University of Bourgogne, France in 2013. He obtained his PhD (2012, France) and Erasmus Mundus MSc (2009, UK, Spain, France) in computer vision and robotics. His research interests include 3D and non-conventional computer vision, 3D and 2D conventional and geometric deep learning, medical imaging and remote sensing. He actively participated in attracting both academic and industrial funds for different research projects in CVI2. He is the author and co-author of over 45 publications including two best paper awards. He acts as a reviewer in several IEEE/Springer computer vision journals and conferences including AAAI, ICCV and CVPR. Dr. Shabayek is a Member of the IEEE, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and INSTICC.


Employment (8)

European Commission: Luxembourg, LU

2021-10-28 to present | EU expert
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

University of Luxembourg: Luxembourg, LU

2016 to present | Research Scientist (SnT, CVI2)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

2014 to 2019 | Assistant Professor (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Sinai University: Cairo, EG

2014 to 2016 | Adjunct Assistant Professor (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Information Technology Institute: Cairo, EG

2014 to 2016 | Adjunct Assistant Professor (ITI - Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

University of Rouen: Rouen, FR

2012 to 2013 | Researcher (LITIS)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

2009 to 2012 | Scintifique (Le2i, CNRS - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

2007 | Teaching assistant (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Education and qualifications (7)

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

2012 | PhD (Le2i, CNRS - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

2009 | MSc (Le2i, CNRS - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Universitat de Girona: Girona, Catalunya, ES

2009 | MSc (Engineering - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Heriot-Watt University School of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Edinburgh, Edinburgh, GB

2009 | MSc (Engineering - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

2008 | Master I (Le2i, CNRS - VIBOT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Ain Shams University: Cairo, EG

2007 | Pre-Master (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

2005 | BSc (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Professional activities (11)

University of Luxembourg: Luxembourg, LU

Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

(FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Instituto Para Os Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação Controlo e Comunicação: Setubal, Setubal, PT

Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

IEEE Signal Processing Society: Piscataway, NJ, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

IEEE: New York, NY, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté: Besancon, Franche-Comté, FR

2017 to present | Visiting scholar (VIBOT Erasmus +)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Erasmus+: Le Creusot, FR

2014 to 2016 | Visiting scholar (VIBOT Erasmus +)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Regional Council of Burgundy: Le Creusot, FR

2009 | PhD full grant
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

European Union: Brussels, BE

2007 | VIBOT full grant (VIBOT Erasmus Mundus)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

2005 | First place with honour (FCI, Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek

Suez Canal University: Ismailia, EG

2005 | University top 10 (Rector)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr. Abd El Rahman Shabayek