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PhD student in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with a interuniversity exchange doctorate at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. He holds a bachelor's degree in Social Communication - Journalism from UFC (2006) and a master's degree in Communication from the same university (2017). He was Economics editor at the newspaper O Estado (2006-2007), editor at the cultural magazine Bússola (2007) and Business reporter at the newspaper Diário do Nordeste (2007-2015). Since 2015, he has been a federal employee at the Federal University of Ceará, holding the position of journalist/communication advisor. He is a member of the research group Media, Culture and Politics and the Research Group on Politics, Public Opinion and Communication (GRUPPOCOM), both linked to the Graduate Program in Communication at UFC. He has academic experience in the area of Communication, with emphasis on midiativism, communication and citizenship, cyberculture, communication and politics, new right-wingers, populism and digital social networks.