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Professor Bachman is a member of the faculty in Electrical Engineering and in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine. He is Principal Investigator of a team of researchers and students in projects for DARPA, NSF, NIH, ARMY, UC Discovery, Calit2, and numerous companies. Projects include Internet of Things (IoT), microfluidics, BioMEMS, MEMS, micro-acoustics, eHealth, and human computer interaction (HCI).
Mark specializes in developing technology solutions to problems in life sciences, environment, sensor systems, and micro-scale manufacturing. His specialty is integrated microsystems, where one uses micro-scale technology as part of an integrated technology solution.
Mark has brought several university technologies to the commercial sector, through startups that he has formed, as well as with companies that he consults with. Mark has unique insight into the issues associated with bringing early stage technology out of the University into industry. Mark loves teaching, and is skilled at explaining difficult concepts. He also enjoys inventing and designing things.
EXPERTISE: Internet of Things, MEMS, BioMEMS, Sensors, Biomedical microdevices, Bionic and assistive technology, Human-Computer Interactions, Physical Computing, Microscale manufacturing, Tech transfer from Universities to industry