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Curriculum vitæ
Tarassov Ivan
Born in Moscow (USSR) 1961, French
Email :
Phone: +33 (0) 6 87 33 98 49 / +33 (0) 3 68 85 14 81
Directeur de Recherche CNRS 1Cl
Professional status :
Director of the UMR 7156 GMGM (CNRS-University of Strasbourg) Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie" (2013-2022), leader of the team "Intracellular traffic of RNA and mitochondrial pathologies" at the UMR7156, Coordinator of the LabEx (Research Cluster) MitoCross, member of the Directory board of the EUR IMCBio Graduate School IMCBio and of the ITI (Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute) IMCBio+, 2023-2024 coordinator of IMCBio+.
Carrier :
2013-2022 - UMR 7156 GMGM Director; 2014 - Directeur de Recherche 1Cl CNRS, UMR7156 CNRS-UNISTRA; 2006 - Directeur de Recherche 2Cl CNRS, UMR7156 CNRS-ULP; 1996-2006 Chargé de Recherche 1Cl CNRS, UPR9005, FRE2735; 1992-1996 Postdoctoral stage (FEBS fellowship), UPR9005 CNRS (Strasbourg) (dir. P. Remy); 1990-1992 Researcher at Moscow University, team leader at the Dep. of Molecular Biology (dir. A. Spirin).
Cursus :
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 1999; PhD degree,1990 Master degree (mention cum laude), Molecular Bilogy Dep., Moscow State University 1984.
Coordination experience :
Scientific Director of the LabEx MitoCross (National program “Investissements d’Avenir”, 6 teams from 3 institutes; member of the Executive Bord of the EUR IMCBio Graduate School (Strasbourg, 3 LabEx : MitoCross, INRT & NetRNA) and of the ITI (Interdiscipliary Thematic Institute) IMCBio-plus (60 teams form 6 institutes, Idex UNISTRA); HFSP international collaboration grant (4 participants), French responsible (1996-2001); AFM (Association Française contre les Myopathies), coordinator in several grants in 2001-2003, 2005-2007; 2010-2011; PICS (DREI CNRS), coordinator, international collaboration project 2007-2009; ARCUS (Alsace - Russie - Ukraine), responsible for a collaboration, 2006-2009; ANR (Maladies Rares) grant, coordinator (3 participants), 2007-2009; ANR (BLANC) grant, responsible (mono-participant grant), 2009-2012; FRM - grant, associated with the label "Equipe FRM 2008", responsible/laureat, 2009-201; LIA scientific director, "Laboratoire International Associé" ARNmitocure, UMR7156/Moscow University (2011-2018); Team leadership: 1990-1992, at Moscow State University; from 1999 - at UPR9005/FRE2375/UMR7156, Strasbourg; Participation, as organization body member or in advisory boards, of several national and international workshops and meetings. Invited expert in several institutional evaluations by EU-CORDIS, ERC, AERES and HCERES 2011-2018.
Scientific production :
Co-author of >80 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including high-impact ones (Science, Nature, Genes & Dev., Molecular cell, EMBO J., Human Mol. Genet., PNAS, Am. J. Hum. Genet., Biomaterials, Nucleic Acids Res., etc.), the majority (50) as corresponding author; 1 US Patent (2016); >90 presentations at scientific meetings, from which 38 upon invitation. RG Score 37, h-index 33, >3,500 citations.
Teaching :
Conferences in the frame of M1/M2 cursus at the University of Strasbourg (2012-2021); Conferences in the frame of DEA cursus at the Institut Pasteur, Paris (2000); supervision of 12 PhD theses; >17 Invited conferences including those at the University of Newcastle (UK) (2016), University of Meinz (2015), IGM, Montpelliler (2014), IMAGINE (2017), Titisee Boeringer MH annual conference (2017), conferences, selection juries and examinations in the frame of the EUR IMCBio (2018-…), etc.
Personnal distinctions :
Prix Maurice Nicloux de la Société Française de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire (SFBBM), 2002, for outstanding achievements in the research on RNA targeting into mitochondria; Laureate of competition for the label "Equipe FRM 2008", for innovative research in biomedical field.
Scientific interests :
The IT research pursues the threefold objective. First - to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the importation of ribonucleic acids into mitochondria, starting with their targeting towards mitochondria, continuing by their passage through the mitochondrial double membrane and ending in their functioning in organelles. Second, - to capitalize on the knowledge of this unique natural pathway of nucleic acid addressing in mitochondria to develop models of gene therapy for mitochondrial diseases caused by mutations in the organelle's own DNA. Finally - to exploit our know-how in the domains of RNA and mitochondria to better understand the sub-adjacent mechanisms of various mitochondrial diseases. Over the years, our team has become one of the internationally recognized leaders in all these fields of research.