Personal information


Employment (6)

University of Pisa: Pisa, Toscana, IT

2023-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

University of Pisa: Pisa, Toscana, IT

2014-05 to 2022-12 | Research Fellow (Computer Science/Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Pisa, Toscana, IT

2012-05 to 2014-04 | Senior Research Fellow (Istituto di Informatica e Telematica)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata: Roma, Lazio, IT

2008-06 to 2012-04 | Research Fellow (Ingegneria Elettronica)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Birla Institute of Technology Offshore Campus: Muscat, OM

2005-09 to 2008-04 | Reader (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Aalborg Universitet: Aalborg, DK

1999-03 to 2005-06 (Electronics Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Education and qualifications (1)

Aalborg Universitet: Aalborg, DK

1999 to 2003 | Ph. D. (Electronics Systems)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Professional activities (2)

IEEE Computer Society: Washington, US

2024-12-01 to present | Senior Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

European Alliance for Innovation: Bratislava, SK

2022-12-21 | Fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexander Kocian

Peer review (40 reviews for 8 publications/grants)

Review activity for AI. (1)
Review activity for Computer communications. (2)
Review activity for Data science and engineering. (1)
Review activity for Digital health. (1)
Review activity for IEEE access : (32)
Review activity for Journal of cleaner production. (1)
Review activity for Sensors. (1)
Review activity for Simulation (1)