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She graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences, University of the Republic, in Uruguay in 2011. In 2016 she obtained her Master's degree in Microbiology at the same Institution, after working on the elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate the storage of iron in the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti.
The beginning of her studies to obtain the doctorate degree in biological sciences marked a break in her training, when she began to immerse herself in the world of computational genomics, momentarily neglecting the bacteriological and molecular approach used until then.
She is currently continuing her PhD studies in the Evolutionary Genetics Section of the Faculty of Sciences, and in the Microbial Genomics Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute in Montevideo.
The theme on which the thesis is developed is the study of Campylobacter species, with emphasis on Campylobacter fetus, one of the main objectives being the identification of molecular targets and the design of techniques that facilitate the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis.