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Works (6)

Shake table testing of a seismic isolation system for lightweight structures

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sebastian Lopez Restrepo; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle

Testing seismic isolators for the effect of maximum earthquake based on measure of cumulative energy

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyun‐Myung Kim; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle

Validity of models for frictional heating in sliding isolators

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Hyun‐Myung Kim; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle

Parametric study of seismic collapse performance of lightweight buildings with spherical deformable rolling isolation system

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
2020-03-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Huseyin Cilsalar; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle

Behavior of a spherical deformable rolling seismic isolator for lightweight residential construction

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
2019-07-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Huseyin Cilsalar; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle

Effect of displacement restraint on the collapse performance of seismically isolated buildings

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
2019-05-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Shoma Kitayama; Michael C. Constantinou
Source: check_circle