Personal information

Verified email domains

Psychometric Test Validation, Factor Analysis, Item Response Theory, Machine Learning


Employment (6)

Universität Zürich: Zurich, ZH, CH

Source: check_circle
University of Zurich

University of Zurich: Zurich, CH

2018-04 to present | Senior Research Associate (Department of Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Universität Leipzig: Leipzig, Sachsen, DE

2021-10-01 to 2022-03-31 | Substitute Professor (Workgroup for Psychological Methods)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Universität Leipzig: Leipzig, Sachsen, DE

2021-10 to 2022-03 | Substitute Professor (W2) (Wilhelm-Wundt-Institute for Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

University of Zurich: Zurich, CH

2016-02 to 2018-03 | Research Assistant (Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Schuhfried GmbH: Modling, Wien, AT

2008-05 to 2015-12 | Test and Training Developer (Test and Training Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Education and qualifications (3)

FernUniversität in Hagen: Hagen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DE

2013 to 2018 | Bachelor's degree (Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

University of Vienna: Vienna, AT

2007 to 2013 | Doctoral degree (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

University of Vienna: Vienna, AT

2000 to 2007 | Master's degree (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Funding (1)

Evaluation of Score-Based Tests in Educational Measurement

2019-05-01 to 2019-06-30 | Grant
Swiss National Science Foundation (Bern, CH)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak via DimensionsWizard

Works (45)

From Embeddings to Explainability: A Tutorial on Transformer-Based Text Analysis for Social and Behavioral Scientists

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Timo Kevin Koch; Matthias Aßenmacher; Clemens Stachl
Source: check_circle

Testing Standards for AI-based Scores in Automated Essay Scoring

2025-02-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Matthias Ziegler
Source: check_circle

Testing Standards for AI-based Scores in Automated Essay Scoring

2025-02-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Matthias Ziegler
Source: check_circle

Score-Based Tests for Parameter Instability in Ordinal Factor Models

2024-12-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Franz Classe; Christoph Kern; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

Testing Standards for AI-based Scores in Automated Essay Scoring

2024-11-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Matthias Ziegler
Source: check_circle

Testing Standards for AI-based Scores in Automated Essay Scoring

2024-11-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Matthias Ziegler
Source: check_circle

Investigating heterogeneity in IRTree models for multiple response processes with score‐based partitioning

British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
2024-11-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Thorsten Meiser; Alicia Gernand
Source: check_circle

Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents is Associated with Reduced Hair Cortisol and Anandamide (AEA): Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from a Large Randomized Clinical Trial

2024-09-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Andreas Walther; Lukas Eggenberger; Rudolf Debelak; Clemens Kirschbaum; Isabelle Häberling; Ester Osuna; Michael Strumberger; Susanne Walitza; Jeannine Baumgartner; Isabelle Herter-Aeberli et al.
Source: check_circle

From Embeddings to Explainability: A Tutorial on Transformer-Based Text Analysis for Social and Behavioral Scientists

2024-05-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Timo Kevin Koch; Matthias Aßenmacher; Clemens Stachl
Source: check_circle

From Embeddings to Explainability: A Tutorial on Transformer-Based Text Analysis for Social and Behavioral Scientists

2024-05-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Timo Kevin Koch; Matthias Aßenmacher; Clemens Stachl
Source: check_circle

Investigating Heterogeneity in IRTree Models for Multiple Response Processes with Score-Based Partitioning

2024-04-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Thorsten Meiser; Alicia Gernand
Source: check_circle

Simulation-based design optimization for statistical power: Utilizing machine learning.

Psychological Methods
2023-12-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Felix Zimmer; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

Score-Based Tests with Fixed Effects Person Parameters in Item Response Theory: Detecting Model Misspecification Including Differential Item Functioning

2023-09-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Charles C Driver
Source: check_circle

Detecting Differential Item Functioning in 2PL Multistage Assessments

2023-05-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Sebastian Appelbaum; Dries Debeer; Martin J. Tomasik
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Detecting DIF in 2PL Multistage Assessments

2023-03-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Sebastian Appelbaum; Dries Debeer; Martin J. Tomasik
Source: check_circle

Score‐based measurement invariance checks for Bayesian maximum‐a‐posteriori estimates in item response theory

British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Samuel Pawel; Carolin Strobl; Edgar C. Merkle
Source: check_circle

An Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Factor Analysis of Response and Response Time Data

2022-11-01 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Christopher Urban
Source: check_circle

Sample Size Planning for Complex Study Designs: A Tutorial for the mlpwr Package

2022-10-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Felix Zimmer; Mirka Henninger; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

Development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure for systemic sclerosis: the EULAR Systemic Sclerosis Impact of Disease (ScleroID) questionnaire

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Mike O Becker; Rucsandra Dobrota; Alexandru Garaiman; Rudolf Debelak; Kim Fligelstone; Ann Tyrrell Kennedy; Annelise Roennow; Yannick Allanore; Patricia E Carreira; László Czirják et al.
Source: check_circle

Simulation-based Design Optimization for Statistical Power: Utilizing Machine Learning

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Felix Zimmer; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

Interpretable machine learning for psychological research: Opportunities and pitfalls

2022-02-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Mirka Henninger; Rudolf Debelak; Yannick Rothacher; Carolin Strobl
Source: check_circle

Engagement With a Mobile Phone–Based Life Skills Intervention for Adolescents and Its Association With Participant Characteristics and Outcomes: Tree-Based Analysis

Journal of Medical Internet Research
2022-01-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Raquel Paz Castro; Severin Haug; Rudolf Debelak; Robert Jakob; Tobias Kowatsch; Michael P Schaub
Source: check_circle

An R toolbox for score-based measurement invariance tests in IRT models

Behavior Research Methods
2021-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Lennart Schneider; Carolin Strobl; Achim Zeileis; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

With a little help from familiar interlocutors: real-world language use in young and older adults

Aging & Mental Health
2021-12-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Minxia Luo; Rudolf Debelak; Gerold Schneider; Mike Martin; Burcu Demiray
Source: check_circle

A new stopping criterion for Rasch trees based on the Mantel-Haenszel effect size measure for differential item functioning

2021-11-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Mirka Henninger; Rudolf Debelak; Carolin Strobl
Source: check_circle

An Evaluation of DIF Tests in Multistage Tests for Continuous Covariates

2021-10-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Dries Debeer
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An Evaluation of DIF Tests in Multistage Tests for Continuous Covariates

2021-08-30 | Other
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Dries Debeer
Source: check_circle

Engagement With a Mobile Phone–Based Life Skills Intervention for Adolescents and Its Association With Participant Characteristics and Outcomes: Tree-Based Analysis (Preprint)

2021-03-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Raquel Paz Castro; Severin Haug; Rudolf Debelak; Robert Jakob; Tobias Kowatsch; Michael P Schaub
Source: check_circle

Power analysis for the Wald, LR, score, and gradient tests in a marginal maximum likelihood framework: Applications in IRT

2021-03-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Felix Zimmer; Clemens Draxler; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

An R Toolbox for Score-Based Measurement Invariance Tests in IRT Models

2020-11-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Lennart Schneider; Carolin Strobl; Achim Zeileis; Rudolf Debelak
Source: check_circle

Model Selection of Nested and Non-Nested Item Response Models Using Vuong Tests

Multivariate Behavioral Research
2020-09-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lennart Schneider; R. Philip Chalmers; Rudolf Debelak; Edgar C. Merkle
Source: check_circle

Score-Based Measurement Invariance Checks for Bayesian Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimates in Item Response Theory

2020-04-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Samuel Pawel; Carolin Strobl; Edgar C. Merkle
Source: check_circle

Testing the Local Independence Assumption of the Rasch Model With Q3-Based Nonparametric Model Tests

Applied Psychological Measurement
2020-03-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Rudolf Debelak; Ingrid Koller
Source: check_circle

Investigating Measurement Invariance by Means of Parameter Instability Tests for 2PL and 3PL Models

Educational and Psychological Measurement
2019-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0013-1644
Part of ISSN: 1552-3888
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

An Evaluation of Overall Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Rasch Model

Frontiers in Psychology
2019-01-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1664-1078
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Cognitive and personality determinants of safe driving performance in professional drivers

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
2018-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1369-8478
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Psychobiological Protective Factors Modifying the Association Between Age and Sexual Health in Men: Findings From the Men’s Health 40+ Study

American Journal of Men's Health
2017-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1557-9883
Part of ISSN: 1557-9891
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Assessment of planning ability: Psychometric analyses on the unidimensionality and construct validity of the Tower of London Task (TOL-F).

2016-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1931-1559
Part of ISSN: 0894-4105
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Comparing the Effects of Different Smoothing Algorithms on the Assessment of Dimensionality of Ordered Categorical Items with Parallel Analysis

2016-02-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1932-6203
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Assessing Planning Ability Across the Adult Life Span: Population-Representative and Age-Adjusted Reliability Estimates for the Tower of London (TOL-F)

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
2015-12-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0887-6177
Part of ISSN: 1873-5843
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Intraindividual Variability in Inhibitory Function in Adults with ADHD – An Ex-Gaussian Approach

2014-12-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1932-6203
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

On gender differences in mental rotation processing speed

Learning and Individual Differences
2014-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1041-6080
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Principal Component Analysis of Smoothed Tetrachoric Correlation Matrices as a Measure of Dimensionality

Educational and Psychological Measurement
2013-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0013-1644
Part of ISSN: 1552-3888
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

An Algorithm for Testing Unidimensionality and Clustering Items in Rasch Measurement

Educational and Psychological Measurement
2012-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0013-1644
Part of ISSN: 1552-3888
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Eine Normierungsstudie eines modifizierten Trail Making Tests im deutschsprachigen Raum

Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie
2012-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1016-264X
Part of ISSN: 1664-2902
Source: Self-asserted source
Rudolf Debelak

Peer review (19 reviews for 7 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta psychologica. (1)
Review activity for Current psychology : (4)
Review activity for Journal of mathematical psychology. (2)
Review activity for Personality and individual differences. (1)
Review activity for Psychometrika. (5)
Review activity for Social sciences & humanities open. (1)
Review activity for The British journal of mathematical & statistical psychology. (5)