Personal information
Stefan Konstanczak (1955). Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zielona Gora (Poland). Authored Odkryć sens życia w swej pracy. Wokół problemów etyki zawodowej [Reveal the sense in our own work. Around issues of professional ethics] (2000); Internalizacja wartości moralnych [Internalisation of moral values] (2001); Etyka srodowiskowa wobec biotechnologii [Environmental ethics to biotechnology] (2003); Wybrane zagadnienia ekofilozofii [Selected Topics in Ecophilosophy] (2005); Etyka pielegniarska [Nursing Ethics] (2010), Polska XIX i XX wieku w filozoficznym zwierciadle [19th and 20th century Poland in the philosophical mirror] (2017), Etyka niezależna w Polsce [Independent ethics in Poland] (2019, The Historiosophical Dilemmas of Zbigniew Jordan. A Creative Biography of the Émigré Philosopher (2022). Member of Editorial Board of Ethics & Bioethics (in Central Europe). He is also the author of many articles articles on bioethics, ethics, history of philosophy in Poland, and applied ethics including professional ethics
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (42)