Personal information

EEG, wearable devices, biomedical signal & image processing, biomedical engineering, decision support & medical expert systems, biomedical applications


Employment (2)

University of Ioannina Research Committee: Ioannina, GR

2002-01-01 to 2002-12-31 | Childcare: Intelligent Collaborative Environment for out-of-hospital children healthcare
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandros Tzallas

University of Ioannina Research Committee: Ioannina, GR

2002-04-01 to 2002-04-30 | EPICUROS-A virtual learning environment for medical doctors
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandros Tzallas

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Ioannina Medical School: Ioannina, GR

2002 to 2009 | Ph.D. (Department of Medical Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandros Tzallas

University of Ioannina School of Sciences: Ioannina, GR

1996 to 2001 | B.Sc (Department of Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alexandros Tzallas

Peer review (24 reviews for 7 publications/grants)

Review activity for Applied sciences. (4)
Review activity for Bioengineering. (1)
Review activity for Biomedical engineering online (1)
Review activity for Entropy : (1)
Review activity for Geriatrics. (1)
Review activity for International journal of environmental research and public health (2)
Review activity for Sensors. (14)