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Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar (Tarragona, Spain, 1974) is Full Professor of Civil Law at Rovira i Virgili University. He is European Doctor of Law and holds an M.Phil. in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge. For 15 years he was a deputy judge at the Court of Appeal of Tarragona (2004-2018). First director of the UNESCO Housing Chair (2013-2021). Since 2008 he has been a corresponding academic at the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. He was awarded with the ICREA Award for Research Excellence 2016-2020. Consultant in several international organizations such as the European Commission, FAO or Amnesty International, between 2018 and 2020 he was an advisor to the German Ministry of the Interior, Construction and the Community for the implementation of housing policies in Europe in its EU Presidency in 2020. In years 2020 and 2021, he was an advisor to the Prospective Project "Spain 2050" of the Presidency of the Government. He is the author of five books on housing, the mortgage market and tort law, the latest being "Los años de la crisis de la vivienda" (2020) and "La gran apuesta" (2021). He has coordinated nine more and is the author of 125 scientific papers in 12 countries, while delivering more than 230 invited speeches in another 24. He has participated in the development of five laws related to housing. He is a principal investigator or has participated in 50 competitive research projects, such as in some of the European Commission and the European Parliament in the field of tenancies, evictions and homelessness, transnational acquisition of real estate, mortgage consumers and the collaborative economy.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (14)
Funding (46)
JUST/E l/FG/(2017)
EU Science Hub
IPOL-C-POLDEP D (2015) 21923